Dan Roam , who helpfully explains things on the back of a napkin, explains the health care debate. It takes 4 napkins
Excerpt from:
Health Care Explained on the Back of a Napkin
Dan Roam , who helpfully explains things on the back of a napkin, explains the health care debate. It takes 4 napkins
Excerpt from:
Health Care Explained on the Back of a Napkin
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged ditching-buns, edward-cullen, explains-the-health, explains-things, godwin, health, informative, latest, Monstrosity, prod, retains-cold, Sex, the-latest
There is actually a sparkling ice dick available for purchase, if you have $40 and a lifetime of sexual repression. It even “retains cold temperature” for “authentic experience” (because Edward Cullen's penis is freezing! Oh god, why do I know that?
See the original post here:
Twilight Dildo
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged apparently-the-latest, ditching-buns, double-down, edward, edward-cullen, Hollywood, latest, links, Monstrosity, prod, retains-cold, Sex, the-latest
Yes, this monstrosity is REAL ! Apparently the latest innovation in fast food cuisine is ditching buns for a meat-on-cheese-on-meat-ball. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged apparently-the-latest, ditching-buns, double-down, Fast Food, Hollywood, kfc, latest, links, real, the-latest, truth