Source: ROBERT SULLIVAN / Getty It took this fast food employee almost two minutes to realize that her drive-thru microphone was on while she yapped on the phone about her roommate owing her money and asking for weed. The way her voice switches up when she finally realizes is priceless. I AM FUCKING DYING — sayzar (@ccrstrna) July 22, 2018
You know those 911 recordings, where an angry customer calls because their favorite fast food spot is out of chicken nuggets? Well we’ve got them beat. 24-year-old Joshua James was recently arrested for chucking a live, 3 1/2 foot gator through the drive-thru window of a Royal Palm Beach Wendy’s back in October. According to […]
You know times are hard when people are smuggling chicken . Buckets of KFC Smuggled Under Border According to CNN A confluence of a hankering for fried chicken and hard times in the smuggling business means buckets of KFC are showing up on tables in Gaza. The idea to get the American fast-food staple into the hands of hungry Gazans came from al-Yamama, a food delivery service that opened in the Palestinian territory a few years ago, according to The Christian Science Monitor. When employees last month had a taste for some finger-lickin’ good stuff, they called a friend just over the Gaza border in al-Arish, Egypt, and asked him to order some up. He did so and sent it to Gaza through one of the hundreds of tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border used to get goods into Gaza prohibited by Israeli restrictions, things such as weapons and cars. The transfer of fried chicken from Egypt to Gaza took three hours, not exactly fast food, but good enough for a territory where there are no Western fast-food franchises, according to the Monitor report. Their appetites sated, “We asked ourselves, ‘Why don’t we provide this service for Gazans?’ ” Mohammed al-Madani, the financial manager of al-Yamama, told the Monitor. Besides satisfying the cravings for chicken, the underground not-so-fast food service proves a point, Khalil Efrangi, an entrepreneur who started al-Yamama, told The New York Times. “I accepted this challenge to prove that Gazans can be resilient despite the restrictions,” the Times quoted him as saying. For the tunnel operators, fast food may help out with hard economic times. Israel has relaxed its embargo on Gaza, so more goods are getting through legitimately. And Egypt cracked down on the tunnels after 16 of its soldiers were killed in a raid on them last year, the Monitor reported. So lower demand means lower prices. “Bringing some meals like these would cost $200 or more three years ago, but now they don’t even cost $20,” tunnel operator Abu Iyad told the Monitor. A bucket of chicken goes for about $30 in Gaza, about three times the price in Egypt, according to the media reports. Besides the chicken, fries, coleslaw and apple pie are available, according to the Times. Al-Yamama promotes the service on its Facebook page and usually makes the runs under the border when it can get 30 or so orders to make things worthwhile, the Times reported. And even if the chicken’s a bit cold and the fries somewhat soggy, customers apparently aren’t complaining. Eating KFC “has been a dream,” Rafat Shororo told the Monitor. “And this company has made my dream come true.” People gonna start killing each other for chicken soon. Shutterstock
Turns out you can have it your way, even after you’re dead. Funeral For Pennsylvania WWII Veteran Includes Procession Stop At Burger King A York Pennsylvania war vet loved his Burger King so much his daughter had his funeral procession make one final stop at the before burying him. Via NY Daily News reports : David Kime Jr. “lived by his own rules,” daughter Linda Phiel said. He considered the lettuce on a burger his version of healthy eating, she said. To give him a whopper of a send-off Saturday, the funeral procession stopped at a Burger King where each mourner got a sandwich for the road. Kime got one last burger too, the York Daily Record reported. It was placed atop his flag-draped coffin at the cemetery. Phiel said the display wasn’t a joke, rather a happy way of honoring her father and the things that brought him joy. “He lived a wonderful life and on his own terms,” she said. Kime, 88, a World War II veteran, died Jan. 20. Restaurant manager Margaret Hess said she knew his face and his order. She and her crew made 40 burgers for the funeral procession. “It’s nice to know he was a loyal customer up until the end — the very end,” she said. No disrespect to the dead, but which do you think will decompose faster — him or the burger? R.I.P. APImages
Who didn’t see this coming? You can’t be serious ! An unidentified man suffered cardiac arrest a heart attack while eating a meal called a “Triple Bypass Burger” at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas on Saturday: The customer, estimated to be in his 40s, was wheeled out by paramedics when he was just midway through his 6,000 calorie burger. The chain owner, a former nutritionist named Jon Basso, said that the man “could barely talk” and was “sweating and suffering” as tourists took photos and videos from the street: The staff at the Heart Attack Grill willingly glorifies bad health. If you weigh over 350 pounds, you eat for free. And on Saturday night, Basso saw the other side. “I actually felt horrible for the gentleman because the tourists were taking photos of him as if it were some type of stunt. Even with our own morbid sense of humor, we would never pull a stunt like that,” he said. The restaurant, like so many other beloved fast food chains, is famous for selling food that will eventually kill you. It’s not supposed to happen in the middle of a bite! Do you think the man got what he deserved by eating the unhealthy a$$ burger?? Source More On Bossip! Quote Of The Day: Country Singer Miranda Lambert Says Chris Breezy “Needs To Be Put Back In His Place” A Verrrry Special Night: These Celebrities May Possibly Have Been Conceived Righhht Around Valentine’s Day Rosa Acosta And Her Cakes Wish Us All A Lovely Happy Valentine’s Day Hey Big Spender: Studies Show That The Average American Will Spend $126 On Valentines Day, Will You Be One Of Them???