Who didn’t see this coming? You can’t be serious ! An unidentified man suffered cardiac arrest a heart attack while eating a meal called a “Triple Bypass Burger” at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas on Saturday: The customer, estimated to be in his 40s, was wheeled out by paramedics when he was just midway through his 6,000 calorie burger. The chain owner, a former nutritionist named Jon Basso, said that the man “could barely talk” and was “sweating and suffering” as tourists took photos and videos from the street: The staff at the Heart Attack Grill willingly glorifies bad health. If you weigh over 350 pounds, you eat for free. And on Saturday night, Basso saw the other side. “I actually felt horrible for the gentleman because the tourists were taking photos of him as if it were some type of stunt. Even with our own morbid sense of humor, we would never pull a stunt like that,” he said. The restaurant, like so many other beloved fast food chains, is famous for selling food that will eventually kill you. It’s not supposed to happen in the middle of a bite! Do you think the man got what he deserved by eating the unhealthy a$$ burger?? Source More On Bossip! Quote Of The Day: Country Singer Miranda Lambert Says Chris Breezy “Needs To Be Put Back In His Place” A Verrrry Special Night: These Celebrities May Possibly Have Been Conceived Righhht Around Valentine’s Day Rosa Acosta And Her Cakes Wish Us All A Lovely Happy Valentine’s Day Hey Big Spender: Studies Show That The Average American Will Spend $126 On Valentines Day, Will You Be One Of Them???
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SMH: Man Suffers Huge Heart Attack While Eating “Triple Bypass Burger” At… Heart Attack Grill!