Tag Archives: does-it-feed

Gigi Hadid has Shitty Legs of the DAy

Here’s GIGI Hadid pretending to be taller than she is, with the most ridiculous high heels, that probably make her look like she’s 5 foot 9, like when they Put Tom Cruise in platform shoes in movies, so that the female costar doesn’t overpower his homosexual, scientologist, masculinity… So if you’re wondering why Gigi Hadid has shitty legs, seeing as she’s this model….who is an “it girl”…in every fucking campaign… It’s that she’s not an actual model, but an instagram person positioned better than most instagram models due to money and fame whoring parents… So don’t expect model legs here…they are instead just legs that starve themselves trying to be a model…and I don’t find it sexy at all…and I love legs…which may be why I don’t find it sexy…because I know good legs when I see them, not knobby knees trying to disguise themselves as good legs… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Gigi Hadid has Shitty Legs of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi Hadid has Shitty Legs of the DAy

Josephine Skriver for David Bellmere of the Day

Josephine Skriver is a test tube baby…created in the labs..by her “dad” a homo biologist and her mom a lesbian I assume works at the Victoria’s Secret head office in Ohio….and volunteered to be the front of this creepy experiment that would make sense for Victoria’s Secret to finance…because if you can build a model, not only does it feed your God Complex, but if you scale it out, can be cost effective… Sure the first one is 100,000 dollar project, but once you get an assembly line going, you can probably pump out a mode for 100k or less, far more affordable than paying these girls 100k per campaign…and hell you don’t need to hose or feed them, just chain them to a lamp post like an old bike…robots…easy… This is a pic on instagram by David Bellmere, who I still think is one of the better photographers out there… The post Josephine Skriver for David Bellmere of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Josephine Skriver for David Bellmere of the Day