Tag Archives: doing-the-porn

Octomom’s Longer Masturbation Video Leak of the Day

Nadya “OCTOMOM” Suleman plays with her Pussy and Big Tits then Interviewed brought to you by PornHub In an unfortunate series of events….Octomom has officially become a pornstar…. We’ve seen her in the tabloids, we’ve heard her say she’d never pose nude for Playboy, she even turned down offers….but then her plan failed, she didn’t get her show, she didn’t become famous, and now she’s doing porn for the higest bidder and we get to see what that comical clown pussy actually looks like…..I didn’t watch the whole video – I turned it off with her horrible moans….but assume there’s pussy in this…..it is just that the whole thing is scary and the fact it turns you on, scarier…. I’m glad I am drunk…..and that she’s got great tits….cuz otherwise this would be a disaster….I mean except for the “interview part”…I mean it is not porn without an interview with a bitch about her sexuality right? I like that she said doing the porn was the best experience other than having her kids…..some amazing fucked up kids in the near future….but not as much as how happy she was that she got a free spray tan….best 30 dollar gift she’s ever got since secret santa at the office when she had a fucking job…what a joke…..like her vagina probably is….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PORN / TO SEE HER VAGINA / IF YOU REALLY WANT TO FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Octomom’s Longer Masturbation Video Leak of the Day

Kristen Stewart Pretty Hot in Elle of the DAy

I don’t give a fuck about Kristen Stewart….if anything she annoys me with her fame…because she’s not hot….and more importantly looks inbred…acts inbred….and probably is inbred….at least based on pics I once saw of her father……You see, she attached herself to something fucking huge, and in doing that made lots of money and secured her place in a bullshit industry, leading to never doing the porn she was destined to do that day she found out she loved the video camera back home on the trailer park…. Either way, she did a photoshoot, looked kinda hot in it, and I figured since I’d fuck anything, I might as well endorse imbred bitches who are popular…because lets face it, I got nothing else going on….

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Kristen Stewart Pretty Hot in Elle of the DAy