Tag Archives: doogie-howser

Megan Fox Is In A Bikini

What the hell is this all about? I’m told these are pictures of Megan Fox hanging out in her bikini that she posted on her Facebook page, but I don’t see any bikini. I’m not pleased about this. All I see is Megan, that fat guy from that annoying show where a gay Doogie Howser plays a womanizer, and some other dude. Come on man, give me something I can use. Something like a few shots of her rubbing baby oil all over her body or kicking that fat guy in the beanbag because he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near this hottie.      

Fuck Yeah, Neil Patrick Harris!

Here's a site dedicated to how freaking awesome NPH is. God, it's about time! Neil is only the best person in Hollywood today, he deserves a site dedicated to his amazingness.

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Fuck Yeah, Neil Patrick Harris!