Tag Archives: dorothy-duffy

Straw Dogs: Celebrity Nudity on DVD and Blu-ray 12.20.11 [PICS]

Slim pickins’ on DVD and Blu-ray this week, Skin fans: when a flash of the can from Kate Bosworth ‘s body double in Straw Dogs (2011) is your breast bet, you know things are looking grim. If, on the other hand, you’re looking for some family fun in the form of Glee: The Concert Movie , Dolphin Tale , or One Tree Hill , Season 8 , then you’re in luck…but seriously, you’re probably on the wrong blog. Anyway, also nude on DVD and Blu-ray this week are Zoe Saldana (‘s body double) in Columbiana (2011), Jennifer Morrison stripping to her skivvies in Warrior (2011), and some blind boobage in the Spanish thriller Julia’s Eyes (2010). More after the jump!

See the article here:
Straw Dogs: Celebrity Nudity on DVD and Blu-ray 12.20.11 [PICS]

On the Seventh Day of TIT-Mas, Mr. Skin Gave to Me…[PICS]

…Seven muffs-a-puffing! ( Anne-Marie Duff , Eileen Walsh , Dorothy Duffy , Nora-Jane Noone , and naked friends, The Magdalene Sisters (2002)) Finish the countdown after the jump!

Read more:
On the Seventh Day of TIT-Mas, Mr. Skin Gave to Me…[PICS]