Tag Archives: doubt-continue

Will Devil Give M. Night Shyamalan His Chance at Redemption?

The Last Airbender handed M. Night Shyamalan some of the most withering reviews of his career (if not a terrible box office intake). As we all know, though, the director is fond of surprise twists, so could Devil — the Paranormal Activity -ish new thriller from his vanity imprint The Night Chronicles — give him a feel-good third-act reversal?

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Will Devil Give M. Night Shyamalan His Chance at Redemption?

Confirmed: Beavis, Butt-head and Music Videos Returning to MTV

Instead of reviving the brainless cast of The Hills for another disappointing season , MTV has decided to go highbrow… by resurrecting Beavis and Butt-head . As obnoxious as the 90s duo was (and will no doubt continue to be), I think we can all agree that the network’s programming decision is a positive one. Because let’s face it: Beavis and Butt-head to The Hills is like comparing Masterpiece Theatre to… The Hills .

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Confirmed: Beavis, Butt-head and Music Videos Returning to MTV