Benzino should be more mad that he can’t find his neck… Benzino And Stevie J Fight On Twitter Via VH1 Blog reports: You had to expect that after Benzino dropped his music video for “Smashed Da Homie,” with its obvious nods to Stevie J. and the woman (Joseline) who came between them, there would be some kind of rebuttal in Atlanta. Stevie J. has kept quiet in situations like this before, but if you come at his career, he’s going to respond. He doesn’t call himself the “Hitman” for nothing. The Love And Hip Hop Atlanta costars and friends are currently airing their grievances with each other on Twitter. There’s a lot of name-calling and geographical checking, with Benzino going back through old studio stories and Stevie even roping in old friend Kim Osorio and making references to steroid use. Hit the flip to peep what the light skinned Ninja Turtle had to say about smashing Joseline as well as Stevie response, accusing Benzino of being a down-low brotha!
Read this article:
Angry Bird Beef: Benzino eBeefs With Down Low Lover Steebie J. Over Smashing Joseline’s Mannish Cakes And Quits Love & Hip Hop Atlanta!