Well this is the hottest jeans campaign I’ve ever seen… Her name is Anna Ewers and I am in love…even though she rhymes with sewers…sewers I would swim through and eat whatever I found floating like some kind of pervert Ninja Turtle, without the Athleticism, so more like a homeless person, just to convince her to move her hand…
Protestor Who Says Fuck on CNN – Like He Was Anderson Cooper’s Boyfriend Cop Crashing for the Ferguson Injustice The “Those Are Nice Breasts” Prank…because elementary school jokes work in video… Body Painted Sea World Protestors Woman Slapping a Man Because they are High Society Religious Girl VS Science if you Have Nothing Better to Watch… The man Who Beats His Girl for Cheating and the Girl Who I am Surprised Found another Guy to Cheat With Cuz She’s Broken Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Ass
I am a huge supporter of Cam girls. The reason is pretty simple. Girls can make money masturbating, something they do for free already, in the comfort of their own homes and make upwards of 20k a month doing it. I’m talking normal, everyday girls, in school who just realize that working Minimum wage is for idiots….not to mention, every girl loves to feel sexy… That said, here is Bianca Tusher from her Twitter, because she’s one of our stepCAMGIRLS , who is totally down to let you watch her strip, masturbate, and have a good time…and you know what, that’s pretty fucking endearing. I am all for regular girls being a little naughty for my entertainment, because in life there are no rules… TO SEE MORE OF HER – GETTING NAKED AND MASTURBATING – And Other Cam Girl Stuff CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER – GETTING NAKED AND MASTURBATING – And Other Cam Girl Stuff CLICK HERE
I figure what better way to celebrate the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for you virgin loser weirdos…that to showcase a porn model named April O’Neil…who did this pretty awesome set for PENTHOUSE …a magazine that I hold near and dear to my heart, because really the erotica they were producing in the late 70s was art…now it’s a little more vulgar…but it’s still part of a legacy that I can totally relate to and will forever feel a bond with…. I don’t know much about April O’Neil, I just know she’s pretty fucking glorious…at least in these pics…and at 4 am…these pics are all that matter…you can see her dirtier pics HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER AND OTHER BABES CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER AND OTHER BABES CLICK HERE
Celebs have everything most people dream of—disposable wealth, good credit and power—but many of them are miserable, depressed and struggling with inner-demons fueled by fame. It’s true that you never really know what people are going through, especially those with ALL eyes on their every movement. Here are eleven celebs who attempted suicide . Take a look.
Benzino should be more mad that he can’t find his neck… Benzino And Stevie J Fight On Twitter Via VH1 Blog reports: You had to expect that after Benzino dropped his music video for “Smashed Da Homie,” with its obvious nods to Stevie J. and the woman (Joseline) who came between them, there would be some kind of rebuttal in Atlanta. Stevie J. has kept quiet in situations like this before, but if you come at his career, he’s going to respond. He doesn’t call himself the “Hitman” for nothing. The Love And Hip Hop Atlanta costars and friends are currently airing their grievances with each other on Twitter. There’s a lot of name-calling and geographical checking, with Benzino going back through old studio stories and Stevie even roping in old friend Kim Osorio and making references to steroid use. Hit the flip to peep what the light skinned Ninja Turtle had to say about smashing Joseline as well as Stevie response, accusing Benzino of being a down-low brotha!
Benzino should be more mad that he can’t find his neck… Benzino And Stevie J Fight On Twitter Via VH1 Blog reports: You had to expect that after Benzino dropped his music video for “Smashed Da Homie,” with its obvious nods to Stevie J. and the woman (Joseline) who came between them, there would be some kind of rebuttal in Atlanta. Stevie J. has kept quiet in situations like this before, but if you come at his career, he’s going to respond. He doesn’t call himself the “Hitman” for nothing. The Love And Hip Hop Atlanta costars and friends are currently airing their grievances with each other on Twitter. There’s a lot of name-calling and geographical checking, with Benzino going back through old studio stories and Stevie even roping in old friend Kim Osorio and making references to steroid use. Hit the flip to peep what the light skinned Ninja Turtle had to say about smashing Joseline as well as Stevie response, accusing Benzino of being a down-low brotha!
Dave Gonzales over at Latino Review received an anonymous picture of a Ninja Turtle “mask” that he speculates might be a prototype from the TMNT reboot due out in 2011. The new movie is supposed to be truer to Eastman's and Laird's comics. ( Via 9gag ). The Best Links: News: 1st Look At New Ninja Turtle? | Latino Review Is This The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Face? View