Tag Archives: because-really

Hot Girls Smoking Weed for 420 Friday of the Day

If you read the site, you’ll know that I don’t smoke weed, it gives me anxiety, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the world doesn’t smoke weed, and it doesn’t mean that I’m not a fucking burn out without the weed. You’ll also know that I promote my friends at MileHighPipes.com … I write: Get your bongs under 100 and your Glass Pipes Because I support the weed culture, smoking weed, and feel like a natural product or even an unnatural product that we want to consume should be our right. I actually think the government in Canada getting involved in the Weed business is going to be a disaster cuz Governments getting involved in anything is taking away our freedoms…. I wouldn’t say I’m an activist, or care that much, but if I can help you burn outs out there get a good deal on new ways to enjoy your favorite thing…then that is what I am going to do…because you and me, we’re in this together… I figure I love girls who smoke….I jerk off to girls who smoke everyday…in a van….parked by the park where girls smoke…it’s exciting to me… So what better way to celebrate my friends at MileHighPipes.com ….than to post a bunch of girls smoking..since we’re all perverts and it’s clickbait we can all understand… GET YOURS PIPES AND BONGS NOWS! CLICK HERE The post Hot Girls Smoking Weed for 420 Friday of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hot Girls Smoking Weed for 420 Friday of the Day

Charli XCX Big Girl Tiny Bikini of the Day

I really try my hardest to not leave the house. I don’t have a job. I don’t have hobbies. I don’t have friends and those who have though they were my friends because I’m a really charismatic and great guy people like to be around decide to invite me places…I never go. Sometimes, because I am internet famous, even if no one has ever heard of me, the site has enough traffic for me to get free tickets and invites places….and I refuse to go…I like to sit and stare at walls…I don’t care to write the next great American Novel, movie or TV show…I barely care to come up with clever things to say about sluts, I’ve said it all, I’ve come at this shit from every angle and it is boring..I just like to be left alone…to stare at wall. But I have seen a fat and awkward Charli XCX perform, which is hilarious to me. I don’t go to concerts EVER….but there she was at a club performance…doing something awkward, unexciting, like a soundcloud artist gone viral on social media which kids are excited about…but that was zero exciting or inspiring… She does have big tits though and she shows them off…I’ll give her that, or she’ll give us that….it’s her gift far more exciting than her performing art that has made her “famous” if she’s even famous… I think she may just be the back-up Rita Ora for when Rita Ora craps out….and they need a busty chubby british girl who gets half naked for attention….it’s all a fucking simulation…these are all ROBOTS. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Charli XCX Big Girl Tiny Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Charli XCX Big Girl Tiny Bikini of the Day

Rita Ora Nipples of the Day

Rita Ora, along with her tireless energy and eagerness, the over-achiever who appears fucking everywhere she can, because she has work ethic or drive, and knows if she pushes this hard enough, long enough, people will get used to her being around, and just accept her as a friend they don’t know, but follow on Instagram in their shameless self promotion….and that alone…is why she’s finally making it…finally getting somewhere so if you got tits, and she’s got tits, great tits, showing her nipples as these whores do….people will care, give in and believe in you enough to stare at your great tits… So the hope is that Rita Ora…just keeps on giving us the tits, because really, that’s what matters….that is what it is about…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Rita Ora Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rita Ora Nipples of the Day

The Dakota Johnson 50 Shades of Grey Nudity of the Day

I forgot that 50 Shades of Grey happened, probably because I don’t buy into all the hype of a mainstream romance novel, when I know that porn exists, but more importantly, that far better written and more provocative smut exists, while this whole storyline just seems way too fucking cliche…and the only thing good it did for the world was make a bored housewife a lot of fucking money, some movie studios a lot of fucking money, and made a lot of women you’d never want to see cum, cum for the very first time…I don’t know, I write romance all day, the whole thing is silly… Now if they cast someone who wasn’t so basic, homely, and boring to play the innocent girl…maybe I’d be down with the sex… But I can list of 10 movies that I am sure are more erotic that didn’t get nearly the same marketing…that probably have way more authenticity…because really would anyone want to devour something that looks like this…I mean I’ve got no boners loooking at this, I am sure I’d have no interest in maintaining some dominant relationship with her…I mean a hot 18 year old out of college into this kind ot thing maybe, but this…fuck that noise..fuck her once while drunk..thats it…move onto the next…don’t make a movie about it… The post The Dakota Johnson 50 Shades of Grey Nudity of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Dakota Johnson 50 Shades of Grey Nudity of the Day

Tereza Kacerova Hot for Stephen Wurth of the Day

Tereza Kacerova is a model who has been NAKED BEFORE and she’s amazing, like so many girls from the Czech Republic I’ve watched have sex on camera, because not everyone has the luxury of leaving the Czech Republic to move to LA, where they can be models…and sometimes fucking on Camera for American perverts pays more in a day than they would make in a month doing other things…like working as a lawyer….or doctor…I like to think Czech pay scale reflects importance in society…because really, I want to see Czech girls naked…always…they are good… That said, these are by STEPHEN WURTH for GALORE amd I like them…even if she’s a little too clothed…it’s the free the nipple era people, she’s already freed the nipple, what’s this not freeing the nipple all about…I feel scammed, but in a good way, since looking at her is still a win…not enough of a win to say I’m a winner…I suck at life and never win…and these still are just pictures…but still better than nothing…

The rest is here:
Tereza Kacerova Hot for Stephen Wurth of the Day

April O’Neil is the Penthouse Babe of the Day

I figure what better way to celebrate the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for you virgin loser weirdos…that to showcase a porn model named April O’Neil…who did this pretty awesome set for PENTHOUSE …a magazine that I hold near and dear to my heart, because really the erotica they were producing in the late 70s was art…now it’s a little more vulgar…but it’s still part of a legacy that I can totally relate to and will forever feel a bond with…. I don’t know much about April O’Neil, I just know she’s pretty fucking glorious…at least in these pics…and at 4 am…these pics are all that matter…you can see her dirtier pics HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER AND OTHER BABES CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE OF HER AND OTHER BABES CLICK HERE

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April O’Neil is the Penthouse Babe of the Day

Mariana Braga for Polanski Vol. 3 by Alessandro Casagrande of the Day

Her name is Mariana Braga. She’s Polish. I think. Doesn’t matter, because she’s in this shoot by photographer Alessandro Casagrande for something called POLANSKI and she’s amazing… This isn’t the photographer’s hot hipster chick posing half naked rodeo. He’s done it HERE AND HERE and HERE and HERE I like his hustle…I like his pics…I like the girls he shoots. I want to have babies inside each of them so that they are forced to answer me when I text message them for nudes. This is the new generation model. Naked. Not quite a model. Rockin’ a bush. Shooting erotica like old Penthouse I used to jerk off to. And it’s exciting to me…the future….finally is going in the right direction…I mean if you ignore war, missing planes, crashing planes and all the horrible people there are…at least nudity is getting more accepted in the mainstream, because really it isn’t a big deal at all.

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Mariana Braga for Polanski Vol. 3 by Alessandro Casagrande of the Day

Aida Yespica Brings the See Through Dress To Cannes of the Day

I don’t know who this haggard faced Aida Yespica is…but I know she wants me to know who she is…because she’s wearing a see through dress in Cannes, where she’s being classy, with what is probably a very rich boyfriend, you know the kind of boyfriend that saved her TV Hosting in Venezuala ass from Communism…thanks to her breast implants… I am all for see through dresses, but prefer when the attention seeker wearing them is more committed to the cause, and doesn’t put on panties… Because flashing tits in France is hardly a fucking thing, the real kicker, and sign of desperation always comes with labia…the kid that have a clit sticking out like it’s sticking it’s tongue out at you… Either way, I support this behavior…especially when set in luxurious places… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Aida Yespica Brings the See Through Dress To Cannes of the Day

Martha Hunt for Marie Claire Italy by David Bellemere of the Day

Martha Hunt is a Victoria’s Secret model has been TOPLESS BEFORE …pretty much like all Victoria’s Secret models…and she looks pretty fucking amazing, but more importantly, you should use these pictures to convince any girl who is showing any resistance to getting naked for you, the kind of girl who thinks nudes will ruin her career or life, or that nudes will make her look like some low level slut, because really, everyone who matters is doing it. Whether it’s models, actresses or porn chicks…and not getting naked is just not in style right now…seriously, girls love peer pressure, especially when it comes in the form of being competitive with hotter girls…trust me, this strategy works….

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Martha Hunt for Marie Claire Italy by David Bellemere of the Day

Chanelle Hayes in the NUTS Big Brother Uncensored Issue of the Day

NUTS UK always release the most ridiculous articles, that for some reason are borderline genius, because they are so simple in nature. Like this one to promote Big Brother, by posting the hottest Nude scenes from Big Brother, because really that’s the only reason to watch big brother. Then they throw in some hot titty models, like Chanelle Hayes and the other one, and it becomes a glorious package in the form of a magazine, that is probably worth buying, and definitely worth advertising in, because it cuts through the bullshit… No I am not admitting I am a fan, I just respect their hustle…and here are some pics from the latest issue, you will like.

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Chanelle Hayes in the NUTS Big Brother Uncensored Issue of the Day