Tag Archives: mean-the-rest

Hot Girls Smoking Weed for 420 Friday of the Day

If you read the site, you’ll know that I don’t smoke weed, it gives me anxiety, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the world doesn’t smoke weed, and it doesn’t mean that I’m not a fucking burn out without the weed. You’ll also know that I promote my friends at MileHighPipes.com … I write: Get your bongs under 100 and your Glass Pipes Because I support the weed culture, smoking weed, and feel like a natural product or even an unnatural product that we want to consume should be our right. I actually think the government in Canada getting involved in the Weed business is going to be a disaster cuz Governments getting involved in anything is taking away our freedoms…. I wouldn’t say I’m an activist, or care that much, but if I can help you burn outs out there get a good deal on new ways to enjoy your favorite thing…then that is what I am going to do…because you and me, we’re in this together… I figure I love girls who smoke….I jerk off to girls who smoke everyday…in a van….parked by the park where girls smoke…it’s exciting to me… So what better way to celebrate my friends at MileHighPipes.com ….than to post a bunch of girls smoking..since we’re all perverts and it’s clickbait we can all understand… GET YOURS PIPES AND BONGS NOWS! CLICK HERE The post Hot Girls Smoking Weed for 420 Friday of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Originally posted here:
Hot Girls Smoking Weed for 420 Friday of the Day

Question Of The Day: Is It Wrong For White People To Bash Stacey Dash As Sell-Out?

Radio Show Host John Fugelsang Says Stacey Dash “Abandoned Melanin” Over the past week Stacey Dash has been under attack, and rightfully so, for the ignorant comments she made on Fox News about ending BET, black award shows, and all things that are made specifically for black audiences. While many in the African-American community called Stacey an “Uncle Tomasina”, a sell-out, a coon, a self-hater and everything but a child of God, it appears that white folks have something to say about the clueless “Clueless” actress: Just because Stacey Dash abandoned melanin doesn't mean the rest of us need to abandon Black History Month. — John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) January 20, 2016 Is this one of those things where “WE can talk bad about her, but YOU can’t”, or should white folks have the space to criticize someone who is clearly on some bulls#!t the same way we do? Image via WENN/Parade

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Question Of The Day: Is It Wrong For White People To Bash Stacey Dash As Sell-Out?

Kim Kardashian’s Appropriate Lamar Death Pic of the Day

Skeleton Kim…really….I guess it was on schedule in their marketing program for her app…to lure people who are addicted to her every move…like they were Lamar Odom and she was a white hooker with drugs…because she’s baiting them into buying her app…with captions like: Halloween is soon! What are you going to be? There’s a new update and you will see what I’m going to be this year! #KimKardashianHollywood But seems to be an appropriate Kardashian thing to do…I mean the rest of society, with any level of class or etiquette, would think maybe the nude selfies are less offensive than the fucking skeleton…as someone you don’t care about, but who pretends to be in your family, as it is good for marketing…and marketing is good for you….and you only care about you…and you can’t be bothered with other people’s problems…is dying… Horrible humans…. The best headline that was brought to my attention about this shit, because I don’t care about this shit was via Cosmo the day after the incident… “Kris Jenner Breaks Her Silence”…12 hours after the incident…where 6 of those hours were rounding up the troops, writing the script and driving the Vegas…and the other 6 hours was sleeping…so she could “break her silence”… These people own the media…seriously… The post Kim Kardashian’s Appropriate Lamar Death Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the original post here:
Kim Kardashian’s Appropriate Lamar Death Pic of the Day

Kate Upton Instagram’s Her Nipple With Survivor Contestant of the Day

Kate Upton has finally given us a glimpse of her nipple….and it is a dark one…which is nice…..not that I have a nipple preference….I think pink nipples are great too…even flesh colored nipples work for me…hell I don’t even need there to be nipples to cum on a set of tits…..I am just trying to be positive about this overrated pig faced girl who is going to be obese…cuz tits this big at 19 mean the rest of her is gonna follow…something that pisses people off when I say…so instead I decide to focus on the fucking good…you know looking at the positive of life…like this was fucking group therapy and my cynical, hateful, angry ass was finally seeing the light…appreciating the beauty of flowers growing in my backyard…if I had a fucking backyard….but I can’t afford one of those cuz life and alcoholism have wronged me you show off cocksucker with a backyard mocking me…. All this to say, I have no idea why she decided for some Survivor promo to show her nipples, if anything this is a werid fucking venue for her to bring out the nipples for the first time, but you know I’m gonna stay positive and just be glad she did…instead of worrying about why or how fat she’ll be in 6 years….Making fucking progress as a human…be proud.

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Kate Upton Instagram’s Her Nipple With Survivor Contestant of the Day

Gisele Bundchen’s Killer Post Baby Body

Obviously we all know how hot Gisele Bundchen’s body is, she’s the highest paid supermodel in the world for a reason, but these are pictures of her money maker after she squeezed out a baby. I wonder if it’s rude to hang these pictures around the house if your wife or girlfriend is pregnant. I wouldn’t recommend it. But that doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t wallpaper our bathrooms with these things, you know, for alone time. Enjoy.