Tag Archives: colored-nipples

Tits at the Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner of the Day

I don’t know if the White House is trying to go pop, you know like an old timer who doesn’t really know what’s up so he invites the cool kids a few years too late, you know when they aren’t so cool anymore…..or if this is some kind of joke the White House is playing on the world….or if this is just where we are at in the grand scheme of America….where trash reigns supreme and anyone who has been on TV or in a Movie or in a Tabloid can attend their fucking events….From Kim Kardashian to Lohan…seems more like a Miami 5 star hotel on New Years than something remotely political…. Maybe, thee Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner was more about legalizing drugs, brining in Colombian Sofia Vergara who is famous due to drug cartel and their influence on Hollywood producers….Lohan someone who has been in and out of rehab….Rosario Dawson someone knows as a NYC club kid who openly does blow….and Kate Upton who will be on hard drugs as soon as she sees her ass start to catch up with her tits….you know as her metabolism slows and she becomes an Anna Nicoe Smith sequel…. But the good news is tha with low level trash comes titties and cleavage so click the pics to see more pics….of pics…pics pics pics….of bitches at this low level high profile event that is as classy as a crackhouse on the Sunset Strip…. Here’s Sofia Vergara Here’s Lindsay Lohan with Some Weird Looking Face and Sideboob I’d Like to Fuck Here’s Rosario Dawson Solid Spic Squatter Turned Famous Titties Here’s Kate Upton Covered her Tits Cuz She’s Tired of Being Typecast as Just Tits to Show Off her Wonky Face

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Tits at the Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner of the Day

Kate Upton Instagram’s Her Nipple With Survivor Contestant of the Day

Kate Upton has finally given us a glimpse of her nipple….and it is a dark one…which is nice…..not that I have a nipple preference….I think pink nipples are great too…even flesh colored nipples work for me…hell I don’t even need there to be nipples to cum on a set of tits…..I am just trying to be positive about this overrated pig faced girl who is going to be obese…cuz tits this big at 19 mean the rest of her is gonna follow…something that pisses people off when I say…so instead I decide to focus on the fucking good…you know looking at the positive of life…like this was fucking group therapy and my cynical, hateful, angry ass was finally seeing the light…appreciating the beauty of flowers growing in my backyard…if I had a fucking backyard….but I can’t afford one of those cuz life and alcoholism have wronged me you show off cocksucker with a backyard mocking me…. All this to say, I have no idea why she decided for some Survivor promo to show her nipples, if anything this is a werid fucking venue for her to bring out the nipples for the first time, but you know I’m gonna stay positive and just be glad she did…instead of worrying about why or how fat she’ll be in 6 years….Making fucking progress as a human…be proud.

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Kate Upton Instagram’s Her Nipple With Survivor Contestant of the Day