Tag Archives: draw-the-year

Considering the ‘Consider’ Campaign: Warrior

Throw on your fur and gaze sinisterly by a swimming pool , because those collectible toys of Oscar season, the “Consider” campaigns posters, are busting out. The first one up for inspection is the campaign for Warrior , the gritty MMA drama starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Nick Nolte. Let’s take a look at the wordy one-sheet and see if it makes us feel any differently about its positioning in the Oscar index .

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Considering the ‘Consider’ Campaign: Warrior

Oscar Index: So an Artist and a Horse Walk into a Bar…

Good news and bad news this week from Movieline’s Institute For the Advanced Study of Kudos Forensics — the good news being that a handful of critics organizations and awards bodies have helped to draw the year’s noteworthiest (i.e. Oscar-baitiest) titles and talent of the season into their sharpest relief yet. The bad news: Sharp relief remains a total mess, with the fields in most major categories wide open heading into December. Which is the way we like it, right? Right? Ugh. To the Index…

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Oscar Index: So an Artist and a Horse Walk into a Bar…