Tag Archives: oscars2012

Considering the ‘Consider’ Campaign: Warrior

Throw on your fur and gaze sinisterly by a swimming pool , because those collectible toys of Oscar season, the “Consider” campaigns posters, are busting out. The first one up for inspection is the campaign for Warrior , the gritty MMA drama starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Nick Nolte. Let’s take a look at the wordy one-sheet and see if it makes us feel any differently about its positioning in the Oscar index .

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Considering the ‘Consider’ Campaign: Warrior

Talkback: Can Drive Win Oscar Nods… In Any Category?

For some moviegoers, Nicolas Winding Refn ‘s Drive was the movie of 2011 (ditto that soundtrack). Nevertheless, over at Nerve, Jett Wells echoes the sad realization of many a Drive -loving Oscar-watcher: Academy Award nominations are about as unlikely for the stylish crime pic as a clean getaway is for Ryan Gosling ‘s boyish, near-mute anti-hero.

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Talkback: Can Drive Win Oscar Nods… In Any Category?