Tag Archives: drama-starring

Miley Cyrus Tweets Love for Total Bomb of a Movie

LOL , the coming-of-age drama starring Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore, opened in limited release this weekend. And we mean VERY limited release : The movie played in seven cities across the country. Total. As a result, it earned about 1/1,000,000,000th of what The Avengers brought in : $46,500. Still, Miley has taken to Twitter and expressed gratitude for the dozen or so folks who did shell out their hard-earned money for this unfortunate flop. “Thank u so much for everyone who went to see LOL,” Cyrus Tweeted on Monday. “It is a film I loved making and I am proud of…. That’s really all that matters to me.” As for what the future holds for Cyrus at the box office? Analyst Len Klady isn’t optimistic. He tells Yahoo: “Miley Cyrus has a real image problem. Basically she’s been undone by Saturday Night Live … people don’t take her seriously.” And that’s, like, totally not cool for Miley and her team. But it might bode well for fans of this star’s music. The more flops she makes, the more likely it is that Cyrus wll return to the album scene.

Miley Cyrus Tweets Love for Total Bomb of a Movie

Considering the ‘Consider’ Campaign: Warrior

Throw on your fur and gaze sinisterly by a swimming pool , because those collectible toys of Oscar season, the “Consider” campaigns posters, are busting out. The first one up for inspection is the campaign for Warrior , the gritty MMA drama starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Nick Nolte. Let’s take a look at the wordy one-sheet and see if it makes us feel any differently about its positioning in the Oscar index .

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Considering the ‘Consider’ Campaign: Warrior