Tag Archives: dread-the-idea

How Much Do Partners Need To Share In Relationships?

  Giving your spouse access to your phone or email seems dreadful, but if there’s nothing to hide, there’s no harm in sharing the passwords, right?   Yes and no. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO ROCK-T & KRYSTAL’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL It totally comes in handy in case of emergency, but it also opens doors to snooping, depending on your relationship.   In their latest sit-down about relationships, Rock-T and Krystal discussed why it’s not a horrible thing if you’re trying to build up trust or maintain it (see video up top). They noted that when you give courtesy check-ins and are open about your day-to-day doings and whereabouts, it limits the urge to snoop because you’re not leaving room for a person to be nosey if you’re an open book from the start – as you should be in relationships.   Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit Some people feel it oversteps boundaries dread the idea, while others find it comforting and safe. Where do you draw the line?   ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : 8 Signs You’re Really TF Stressed Out Is Your Babe Your Best Friend? 5 Tips To Build Trust In Relationships The Science Behind Why People Stay In Unhappy Relationships Follow @TheRSMS

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How Much Do Partners Need To Share In Relationships?