Tag Archives: dressed-as-laa

Taylor Swift Shares Epic Throwback Photo of Teletubby Halloween Costume

These days, Taylor Swift can do no wrong. The woman makes a million dollars a day , and she other artists comparing her to Shakespeare . But there was a time when Taylor was just a little girl who was down with the Teletubbies trend way before her classmates: Swifty posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading: “When you dress as the yellow teletubby for Halloween, but it’s before Teletubbies got huge so all the kids at school ask you why you’re dressed as a yellow pregnant alien.” Yes, as hard as it is to imagine now, there was a time when both Taylor and Teletubbies were unknown to the general public. In case you were never on board with the T-Tubz, Taylor is dressed as Laa-Laa, who…looked and acted just like the rest of the Teletubbies but was yellow. But hey, yellow pregnant alien is a cool costume too. She could’ve laughed it off with a joke about giving birth to the weird baby-sun thing that loomed over Teletubbyland, but it totally would’ve gone over her classmates’ heads, because these freakin’ kids didn’t watch Teletubbies!   What, did they live in caves?! We hope this incident more than any other inspired Taylor to go on to great things and that she occasionally calls one of the kids who laughed at her and is all like, “Hey, it’s me, the pregnant yellow alien. Anyway, I’m about to go on stage with Mick Jagger . Just thought you’d like to know.” Sorry, we might be getting too worked up over this yellow Teletubby thing. View Slideshow: Taylor Swift Instagram Photos: This Singer Has Style!

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Taylor Swift Shares Epic Throwback Photo of Teletubby Halloween Costume