Tag Archives: drinking-while

Katie Price/Jordan’s Intentional Leather Skirt Upskirt cuz She’s Amazing of the Day

Katie Price is my favorite. She is the perfect balance of trash, slut, pornstar, tranny, exhibitionist, rich bitch, money maker, brand, clown, freakis tit, hooker, for me…. It is like she’s mastered the art of being a piece of trash, slut, pornstar, tranny, exhibitionist, stripper, rich bitch, money maker, brand, clown, freakish tit, hooker….there’s no way any other bitch will ever compare… Sure there are imitators but like a Hermes Purse…they can never beat the real fucking thing… I have followed her antics for as long as I can remember ….and I’m not stopping now…as long as there is Jordan Katie Price…there will be me in the corner watching…She is my queen. As good as this upskirt pic is…. TOPLESS BEACH PICS ARE FUCKING LEGENDARY

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Katie Price/Jordan’s Intentional Leather Skirt Upskirt cuz She’s Amazing of the Day

Camille Rowe Naked for Purple of the Day

I am falling in love with fashion model who is also coincidentally a nude model cuz fashion is pornographic named CAMILLE ROWE ….I am not sure if it is because she’s hot, has great tits, rocks a hot bush, and has nipple rings all while not being skinny…or if it is cuz she’s willing to get naked for fashion in hopes of fulfilling bigger dreams….like becoming a well paid fashion model who does not need to be working as a waitress or bartender or ice cream vendor or 9-5er her entire miserable life….but who instead cashes in by stripping down like a stripper but unlike a stripper cuz she’s got more potential longevity being set for life…or if I love her cuz she’s from France and french girls take it up the ass the first date….all while being far more fun, exciting, into good living and drinking while eating cheese and other lovely things, tanning topless and chain smoking…and that is amazing…. Here are her nude pics for PURPLE MAGAZINE….looking good. Here she is in some apparent 3-Some Sex Scene from God Knows what….

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Camille Rowe Naked for Purple of the Day