Tag Archives: driving-down

Where’s Your Parents?: Toddler Spotted Walking In Middle Of The Street With No Clothes On! [Video]

What the hell? Talk about good timing. A good Samaritan driving down Brewton Street in Montgomery, Alabama, could very well have saved a little boy’s life. The child was wandering the street alone in a diaper — with no parents in sight. On “Raising America,” you’ll see the heartbreaking video the Samaritan recorded of his encounters with the two-year-old, the neighbors and (eventually) the mother. And you’ll see how this story could easily have ended in tragedy. hln youtube Continue reading

The Best Plates For Your Ford Bronco

You see a white bronco driving down the freeway. I know what you're thinking… “F*ck OJ!” Yes, it's been 15 years, but the wounds are still healing. But before you do anything rash, make sure you check the plates. View

Woman Calls 911 to Report Own Drunk Driving

You think you’ve seen it all.

Continued here:
Woman Calls 911 to Report Own Drunk Driving