Lindsay Lohan and some of her pals had a party in rehab, according to reports . There is NO evidence Lindsay was drinking, but this is still a great story. The train wreck’s roommates had a party a week ago last Saturday night, one in which the booze was flowing and got the girls into a heap of trouble. Staying at a satellite house at the Betty Ford Clinic, Linds and her buds were “drinking heavily” when the Betty Ford peeps found out and busted them. A GREAT SHOT: This is an old Lindsay Lohan photo. It was not taken during the aforementioned party in rehab. Still pretty funny and appropriate, we felt . The roommates were moved back to the main facility, which has more supervision. Later, Lindsay was told she could not leave the area for Christmas . Again, there’s no evidence LiLo was drinking. Let’s be clear there. Just the same, the troubled actress finds herself back at the main Betty Ford facility too, not for punishment, supposedly, but for “intensive therapy.” Extra supervision should help with the stalker situation , too.

Read more here:
Betty Ford Nightlife: Rager in Lindsay’s Room!
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged aforementioned, bennyhollywood, betty, betty-ford, Christmas, drunk-lindsay, Girls, Gossip, Hollywood, lindsay, Lindsay Lohan, mma, news update, roommates-were, troubled