Tag Archives: dude-capturing

Alexis Ren’s Casual Instagram Pic of the Day

The nice thing about instagram is that when a girl posts her picture it is just an honest version of herself, just a snapshot of that moment, of her letting you into her world like a cam girl, but less porny, but sometimes not that much less porny, thanks to being perverts who can make any situation porny…. It’s like girls never take 40 selfies to capture the best one to post, they don’t run it through filters and photoshop apps to really tone and fix their body…so that when you meet them in person, not that you will, you won’t have any idea who they are, it’s a security measure really, reformat yourself into a fetish or cartoon version of yourself and you will be safer, all while pretending to be some hot shit on the IG… It’s a weird world, knowing that this pic was posed and edited and posted by the girl, rather than some creepy dude capturing the shot from afar…because sluts, exhibitionists, who love attention, are just making our lives and jobs as creepy perverts easier..they are FEEDING us their smut and as a lazy man who doesn’t leave the couch…I appreciate it. The post Alexis Ren’s Casual Instagram Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Alexis Ren’s Casual Instagram Pic of the Day