Tag Archives: dunham-debuts

Vanessa Grimaldi to Nick Viall: So, You Moving to Canada?

This season, The Bachelor spoilers have been as dead-on correct as ever, but there are still two installments left for a potential shocker. Might one of the final three be ready to throw such a curveball? Canadian beauty Vanessa Grimaldi puts the screws to Nick Viall on next week's episode of The Bachelor , asking him about the future. Nick Viall is used to being put on the spot, but not like this. In the sneak peek at Monday night’s episode below, Viall hedges when the Montreal resident asks if he would consider moving there. You know, IF they decide to further pursue this romance. “ Nick is someone that I can actually picture spending the rest of my life with,” Vanessa, 29, says, but he's also Nick, and it's The Bachelor . Do we even need to explain any further than that? “But at the same time,” the special ed teacher adds, “we have that sort of relationship where our conversations are always so heavy.” “Today I felt like Nick was questioning whether or not he wants to be as close to my family as I am. It’s been upsetting me.” During Grimaldi’s hometown date – Corinne Olympios got cut, leaving Vanessa, Raven Gates and Rachel Lindsay – Nick met her family. That's customary for Bachelor semifinalists, but what's a little unusual is that subject of where they would move after the show came up. It didn’t seem as if the two had discussed their plans post- Bachelor , so Vanessa brought it up during their subsequent fantasy suite date. That idea didn't necessarily go over all that well. “Is there anything that you would feel uncomfortable compromising on?” she ask. “Is moving for you something you don’t see yourself doing?” “I’ve moved a lot,” Viall, 36, responds. Ouch. “I’ve never imagined living in Canada,” he adds. “I’ll be honest, that’s not easy for me to picture.” “I hope that’s not a non-negotiable,” Nick tells Vanessa, leaving the door open. “I think I would do anything for the woman that I love.” “Not to sound corny, but I’m really proud to be an American,” The Bachelor star adds, very much sounding corny in the process. Vanessa's perfect response to that nonsense? “And I’m very proud to be a Canadian.” The plot thickens, eh?! (Sorry.)

Read this article:
Vanessa Grimaldi to Nick Viall: So, You Moving to Canada?

Lena Dunham Debuts Boob Tattoo Inspired By Rihanna

There are word combinations you never expect to type, and then there’s “Lena Dunham Debuts Boob Tattoo Inspired By Rihanna.” You might be tempted to decry such a headline as that “fake news” you keep hearing about: A bald-faced attempt to highlight the more ridiculous aspects of Millennial culture in an effort to work the #MAGA crowd into a greater fury than anti-incest laws and every second of this year’s Oscars combined.  But we assure you, this is no alt-right Pepe-ganda (though we are  in the process of developing tastes for Tolstoy and straight Stoli in order to make nice with our future overlords), and the self-proclaimed Voice of Her Generation really did copy RiRi’s underboob ink . Lena posted the pic above today, along with a caption that reads: “Thank you @trinegrimm for my warrior’s chest plate/tit chandelier. This is my first original piece by a female tattoo artist and it felt sacred and cool and she didn’t chide me for copying @badgalriri’s placement. “If you’re ever in Oslo, go meet this metal queen and let her handle your body.” Look, we’re gonna go ahead and play Dunham’s advocate here. For starters, we’re willing to giver her a pass on a lot of things this week, as “American Bitch” might have been Girls’ strongest episode to date, and it actually addressed a topical issue in a unique way. (It might have worked better as a standalone project, but that’s a discussion for another time.) On top of that – we’ve been there. We’ll admit to seeing a celebrity rock a certain look and (perhaps during a tipsy online shopping spree) deciding to give it a shot ourselves. There was a time when Johnny Depp was cool enough to make male fashion scarves cool, and like other tragedies throughout history, we shouldn’t bury it simply because we can’t make sense of it. So Lena saw Rihanna rocking some boob-bunting and figured she’d try to pull it off, too. As long as she doesn’t start taking racy blunt smoke selfies and using the word “pon,” we can chalk this up to loving emulation and not Single White Female-esque imitation. Besides, if this is the worst thing Lena Dunham did this week, then it was really a hell of a week. It’s not like she publicly wished she had an abortion or attempted to convince the world that her cellulite is a global feminist issue . Lena is like Trump: If seven days go by and she doesn’t make us seriously doubt our mental health or wonder if we’re living in the Upside-Down like Barb, we kinda feel like we owe her a thank you letter. We’d like to tell you that we’ll one day write an article about Lena without comparing her to Trump, but the #FakeNews has gone far enough, dammit!

Read more here:
Lena Dunham Debuts Boob Tattoo Inspired By Rihanna