Tag Archives: each-attempts

Dustin Lance Black on What’s Wrong With Virginia, Mormon Underwear and Polarizing Toronto

Despite the most spirited endorsement of yours truly, Dustin Lance Black’s directorial debut What’s Wrong With Virginia hasn’t found the warmest reaction this week at the Toronto Film Festival. This has been a bit confounding to Black, whose follow-up to his Oscar-winning screenplay for Milk tells the wild tale of mentally ill Virginia (Jennifer Connelly), her teenage son (Harrison Gilbertson), her Mormon sheriff/Senate candidate paramour Dick Tipton (Ed Harris), and the small-town cauldron of love, sex, longing, desperation and hypocrisy from which each attempts to climb on the way to a bigger, better life. Whatever that is — each has a different conception, as does Black himself, who today spoke with Movieline about the Canadian cold front and what isn’t as wrong with Virginia as some might think.

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Dustin Lance Black on What’s Wrong With Virginia, Mormon Underwear and Polarizing Toronto