Tag Archives: early-as-today

Cate Edwards to Testify at Father’s Trial

John Edwards’ daughter, Cate Edwards, is expected to testify Tuesday in the former U.S. senator and presidential candidate’s ongoing corruption trial. Cate Edwards would be the first family member to do so. The indicted politician’s daughter, 30, broke down in tears and had to leave the courtroom earlier this month amid revelations of Edwards’ misdeeds. Her mother, Elizabeth, passed away in December 2010. The defense began laying out its case Monday, shifting the focus from Edwards’ affair with Rielle Hunter to the specifics of campaign finance law. Judge Catherine Eagles threw out most of the proposed testimony from former Federal Election Commission Chairman Scott Thomas after prosecutors objected, arguing his opinions and past FEC rulings are irrelevant to the case. Eagles sent the jury home as Thomas previewed his testimony, saying the use of nearly $1 million to cover up Edwards’ affair with Hunter wasn’t illegal. Thomas said in his opinion, “This is a clear-cut case that the payments were not campaign contributions,” and thus, did not have to be reported as such. Even before Edwards was indicted last June, Thomas wrote in a letter that the “payments would not be considered to be … campaign contributions.” The “payments did not constitute a violation of the law,” he said. But the judge ruled that information would be inadmissible. Edwards attorney, Abbe Lowe, protested, telling her he thought her decision might constitute a “reversible error” that potentially could be overturned on appeal. Eagles retorted, “That sounds like you are arguing with me.” Earlier Monday, the jury did hear from Lora Haggard, the chief finance officer for Edwards’ 2008 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. From the stand, she said she never thought the money from wealthy donors Bunny Mellon and Fred Baron ever had to be reported to the FEC. She said of the money that has him facing jail time, “They were not contributions to the campaign to urge the public to vote for Mr. Edwards.” Prosecutors say it absolutely was, as Elizabeth knew he was having an affair with Rielle Hunter and the funds were to conceal the affair from the public, thus protecting his image in the midst of a serious White House run. It’s still unclear whether Edwards himself will testify, but Cate has been by his side daily, and she could take the stand as early as today.

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Cate Edwards to Testify at Father’s Trial

Miley Cyrus: Flirting with Jared Followill?

On the most recent edition of Saturday Night Live , Miley Cyrus played the roles of Fergie, Lindsay Lohan and Justin Bieber . But insiders tell Hollywood Life there’s another new role Miley has been perfecting: flirt. The singer has reportedly been sending text messages to Kings of Leon bassist Jared Followill ever since the Europe Music Awards in November. “Miley wants to keep Jared interested,” a source says . “She often sends him coy text messages. So far, he is a big fan of what she has been sending.” This mole claims Followill, who hails from Cyrus’ hometown of Nashville, is 24 years old and was connected to Julianne Hough in 2009, thinks Miley is “very pretty.” Might we need to prepare ourselves for… Cyrowill ? We’ll keep readers apprised.

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Miley Cyrus: Flirting with Jared Followill?

Mel Gibson Torn Over Impending Charge

Mel Gibson tore Oksana Grigorieva a new one in a series of epic rants . Now he’s torn over how to proceed when he’s charged with a crime. Sources connected to Mel say he knows he will be charged , but is agonizing over the prospect of putting his family through a long, public trial. At this point, does Mel simply want it all to go away? Because Mel feels he will face only a low-level misdemeanor charge, the actor may be able to take a lighter sentence if he simply pleads guilty. Even though he feels he’s innocent, he’s not sure he has the stomach to endure a year-long legal fight and the impact it will have on his kids. Gibson could be charged with a misdemeanor as early as today stemming from the January 6, 2010 blowout between him and Oksana Grigorieva. Oksana is likely in the clear on extortion allegations. Stay tuned.

See the article here:
Mel Gibson Torn Over Impending Charge

April Fools Practical Jokes – Starbuks April Fools 2010 – April Fools Prank Online

April Fools Practical Jokes – Starbuks April Fools 2010 – April Fools Prank Online – The April Fools day seems to be so funny with some people while other get annoyed with such kind of activities and jokes. As early as today, the Google change its name to Topeka, followed by a fake new item in the Google blog that a town named Topeka has been renamed to Google, and that is the Kansas. Many people got confused and enter the biggest and largest search engine thinking that they had entered the wrong site or web address. Even our favourite Starbucks Coffee participated in the April Fools Day joke today. Starbucks take this opportunity to announce their “new sizes”, wow! Starbucks says the Plenta™ (128 fl oz) and Micra™ (2 fl oz)-sized cups arrive in Starbucks stores this Fall. Are customers pulling AFD jokes on you? Or, are you pulling jokes on them? We also have 3D movies and 3D photos… Why not 3D books? Google took on the challenge, and you can witness it now. Google Books 3D is now available as a permanent beta! In an effort to save themselves $1 per minute in bandwidth costs, Youtube has launched a brand new viewing mode dubbed “TEXTp”. Displaying actual characters rather than pixels, this video mode is sure to cause seizures all around the globe. Now can you site here, what prank jokes did you encounter today in connection with the April Fools Day? April Fools Practical Jokes – Starbuks April Fools 2010 – April Fools Prank Online is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading