Source: GASTON DE CARDENAS / Getty Jessie Woo Gets Emotional Listening to Tarana Burke #LHHMIA’s Jessie Woo Gets Emotional Over Alleged Rape By Someone In Music Industry In a scene from this week’s “Love and Hip Hop Miami” Trina takes Jessie Woo , Joy and Chinese Kitty to hear from Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, where Jessie gets emotional reliving her personal sexual abuse. Jessie reveals she was allegedly raped by a prominent figure in music but doesn’t name names.
Source: MICHELE EVE SANDBERG / Getty Wade Gets Emotional Over Parkland Victim Being Buried In His Jersey Dwayne Wade reportedly became emotional after learning that one of the students who was killed during the February 14 shooting Mat arjory Stoneman Douglas High School was buried wearing his jersey. “You really can’t put that in words. You hurt for the family,” Wade told reporters after finding out Joaquin Oliver was laid to rest in a replica Wade jersey. Saying “If you ever get the opportunity to speak to them, you just try to hope the time where he was alive that you were able to bring some type of joy to his life and something memorable. A story that his family and you guys can talk about.” You’re about to make me cry this afternoon — DWade (@DwyaneWade) February 25, 2018 On Monday, he expanded a little upon that tweet. “Like I said, I retweeted on Twitter, you’re going to make me cry. It’s emotional even thinking about that, that his parents felt that, buried him in my jersey was something that he wanted,” he explained. “I take pride in what I’ve done in this state and what I’ve meant for the youth. I appreciate it.” Parkland is approximately 50 miles outside of Miami, the city where Wade won 3 NBA Championships.
Here’s “America’s sweetheart” Jennifer Lawrence taking her dog out for a walk, and by that I mean, having someone else carry the little guy around for her. And if you ask me, I think Jennifer and her puppies should go for walks more often, because those legs of hers are looking a little chunkier than I remembered. And regular exercise can really help that. Or at least, so I hear. I’ve never tried it myself. Continue reading →