Tag Archives: energy-the-big

Ocean [energy] Fishing? 8 tons per square inch = Cruise Line Fuel that never runs out, ever.

Ocean Energy can be the replacement energy the Big Oil companies have been missing, what's called a “Transition energy”. Ocean Energy is obtained by lowering high-pressure containers (or old retired submarines) into the ocean depths then closing the doors or inlet portholes. Ocean water 20k and 30,000 feet deep is like a semi-solid rocket fuel. There it sits and here we sit, in the cold. Or standing at a fuel pump, in the cold. Or sitting without a payroll or unemployment or disability or retirement check, in the cold, many former Enron employees having had their 401k's wiped out by Wall Street thieves. Ocean Energy is like Edward Woodward who played The Equalizer on TV. Ocean Energy is your Equalizer. added by: Gravity_Man