Tag Archives: england-goes

Dakota Fanning’s Creepy Shoe Company of the Day

Dakota Fanning has always been creepy… Like some robot child, who is now 21, but when she was 7 or 8 and getting nominated for Oscars, would do media and have adult conversation, and adult disposition, up on some Doogie Howser shit, only instead of being a fake doctor closet case, she was thrown into entertaiment…in a “whore our child, she’s so quirky and advanced”…. Well, she’s still getting work, her parents are still rich off her, and they have that approval on their ego that their offspring have commercial viability, who can star in this terrible fucking campaign….but she’s wearing gladiator sandals and showing a lot of leg….so Dakota Fanning fans can appreciate it, but unfortunately, I know her real fans go for something a bit younger than 21…if you know what I mean…disgusting. The post Dakota Fanning’s Creepy Shoe Company of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dakota Fanning’s Creepy Shoe Company of the Day

Eiza Gonzalez for Marie Claire of the Day

Eiza Gonzalez is some Mexican bitch who doesn’t look like any Mexican bitch I’ve ever seen…but I guess in my defence, I just assume all Mexican bitches look like the neckless chamber maids at hotels across Americas…at least when not working at the local Mexican restaurant making corn tortillas… Apparently Eiza Gonzalez was famous in Mexico as a singer and actress, and in efforts to be like Sofia Vergara, decided that America in all their PC glory, would need a Mexican to relate to their ever growing Mexican Audience…you know because they can’t just keep producing content for white people, it isn’t inclusive or what America about…despite what Trump is telling you… Maybe she’s on some Selma Hayek hustle, trying to get the jobs Hayek is too old for..because America is Multi Cultural, I am sure 40% of people are of hispanic origin, at least that’s why it seems whenever you go to a J.Lo concert….not that I’d ever do that… Well she’s in fitness gear and looks fucking good… The post Eiza Gonzalez for Marie Claire of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Eiza Gonzalez for Marie Claire of the Day

Agent Provocateur’s Lingerie of the Day

Agent Provocateur is the Victoria’s Secret for people who have a little bit more money than working as a Walmart clerk….receptionist…middle of the road person who has accepted that they don’t deserve to have hopes and dreams…but rather live within their means…buying panties on deal that seemingly have more sex appeal than the department store kind…or black chicks, strippers, and mall shopping teens around america…you know who don’t want to go for the 150 – 2000 dollar “high concept version”… This Agent Provocateur shit is a brand I’ve actually been into, when it was doing vintage lingerie, you know quality lingerie, fetishy with a look that the fabrics wouldn’t give you a yeast infection… But it has become the sugar baby, instagram, brand of underwear that allows them to feel really classy in their whoring..thanks to marketing.. This is their Spring campaign…I think, I don’t remember, I just saw pics of girls in panties and pulled it to post here…because I like girls in panties…whether they are self produced whores, or brands pandering to these self produced whores, especially when they are no Victoria’s Secret, unless Victoria’s Secret actually owns them in some backdoor deal…because backdoor is all I assume the sugar daddy’s who buy their girls this shit are getting….it’s how they keep the gifts coming…reward your sponsor / master / employer…. The post Agent Provocateur’s Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Agent Provocateur’s Lingerie of the Day

ThePornDude Presents Kate England’s Pussy Flash of the Day

I saw these pussy flash pictures of some chick named Kate England, and I just assumed she was an aspiring instagram model pulling stunts to get noticed by the paparazzi…. I wasn’t too far off, because despite what my friend, ThePornDude says…I actually hate porn…so I had no idea this was a porn chick…and porn chicks do what instagram chicks do…they crave an audience and fuck for money…only porn chicks do it on video…daily…so in many ways are far more respectable than instagram models who pretend they are real models and not whores.. So as Kate England being a porn chick, I don’t think her getting out of a car with her pussy flash counts as news, or even a pussy flash, despite blogs picking it up, because they love a good pussy flash. This is one of the most basic staged, crying for attention bullshit..paparazzi moments…because everyone is just trying to make some fuckin’ money… If you want to see porn, or Kate England in porn CHECK OUT ThePornDude …I think seeing her getting slammed, double penetrated and taking loads….is probably a more interesting way to see a battered pussy…you know the process of getting battered is like the journey, where the pussy flash straight up is the destination – and you know how that works… The post ThePornDude Presents Kate England’s Pussy Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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ThePornDude Presents Kate England’s Pussy Flash of the Day