Tag Archives: enjoy-the-ride

WATCH THIS: Will The World Still Be Here After @NamcoBandai Releases “Star Trek”…?!


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Scruffy McGhee says: As this year quickly goes into the next, we’ll begin to know more and more about this Star Trek game. Until then, hit play and enjoy the ride! VIA GK: Namco Bandai has released a trailer for their up and coming game Star Trek. The title is developed by Digital Extremes and Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Don’t Lose Your Day Job Discovery Date : 17/04/2012 02:29 Number of articles : 2

WATCH THIS: Will The World Still Be Here After @NamcoBandai Releases “Star Trek”…?!

Snooki on the Cover of Rolling Stone of the DAy

Shit, Snooki on the cover of Rolling Stone or any magazine for that matter, you know with her little pig face, pig body and pig attitude is almost as crazy as Kim Kardashian releasing a song and hearing people give it praise even if it sounds like serious shit…maybe even the same shit that fell on her face when sucking Ray J’s dick in video as he pissed on her…. The world is doomed. We’re fucked, We’ve made celebrities out of garbage. Satan has taken over. We’re all going to die. We might as well try to enjoy the ride… There’s nothing hot about this…seriously…this is unfuckable barnyard shit……

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Snooki on the Cover of Rolling Stone of the DAy

Reports: Elin Woods to Start Over in Sweden

Updating previous reports, Tiger Woods’ wife Elin supposedly wants to return to live in her native Sweden, according to sources close to the situation. Elin is currently in that country with the couple’s two young kids. Tiger said he spent time with family after the Masters, but he’s certainly not there. While he lives the single life in Florida and resumes his golf career, Elin is making plans for a life after she divorces Tiger, a source told Radar Online. “Divorce is openly discussed,” the source said. “And a deal will be worked out.” It looks like time may be running out on this marriage . Tiger and Elin’s marriage took a turn for the worst in recent months after the embattled couple seemed to get closer when Tiger came out of sex rehab. While no Tiger Woods divorce papers have been filed yet, they barely talk to each other and live separately, although they have been extremely civil. If Elin does wish to move back to Sweden, however, that is sure to concern the world’s #1 golfer, who does not want his son and daughter so far away. The issue has not become a problem yet but is now looming over the divorce situation as she keeps building what looks like a new, independent life. Elin Woods and the children are currently on vacation in Sweden and she has begun extensive renovations on the home she recently purchased there. What should Elin Woods do?

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Reports: Elin Woods to Start Over in Sweden

Concert Goers Walk Out on Whitney Houston, Refer to Singer as "Rubbish"

The Whitney Houstin Humiliation Tour goes on. A month ago, during a concert in Australia, the former chart topper coughed and wheezed her way through a rendition of “I Will Always Love You.” She most verses to back-up singers. It was pathetic. But it wasn’t enough to cancel the tour, as Whitney’s manager tried to spin the debacle into a tale of someone way past her prime going out there and giving it her all. “If [fans] want to see a true professional artist give 100%, come along and enjoy the ride of an amazing talent, on stage, letting her heart and soul out,” he told future audience members. The folks in London didn’t get the memo, however, as they actually hoped for an enjoyable performance from Houston over the weekend. Concert goers had the gall to expect Whitney to actually sing her own material, and many walked out of The O2 Arena when she could only muster excuses, as opposed to high notes. “She don’t want to come, my soprano friend,” Houston whined, blaming the arena’s air conditioning. “Sometimes the old girl sings, but not tonight. I want to do it, but she doesn’t want to.” Referring to your voice, broken down after years of drug use, as an individual with its own personality? No wonder friends refer to Hostuon as a ” hot mess .” Said one person in attendance to USA Today : The concert was “rubbish. She can’t even complete a song.” Another referred to Whitney as “not a patch on what she was.” We assume that’s British speak for: She’s an absolutely trainwreck that needs serious help. Watch the terrible performance below, but be warned: you may need to double up on ear plugs. A Total Failure

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Concert Goers Walk Out on Whitney Houston, Refer to Singer as "Rubbish"

Ciara’s Hotness Needs Attention

It’s kind of sad that we don’t see more pictures of Ciara , she’s pretty f@#king hot, but I think she gets lost in the shuffle between Beyonce and Rihanna . Here she is in her sweet golden dress and even sweeter hooker boots. That ass looks like one of those Ferrero Rocher chocolates I want to unwrap with my teeth.

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Ciara’s Hotness Needs Attention

Kristen Stewart Refuses to Part with Firstborn Child, Truth About Robsten

We love Kristen Stewart.

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Kristen Stewart Refuses to Part with Firstborn Child, Truth About Robsten