Tag Archives: enough-make-up

Miley Cyrus’ Bloated Face Partying in Paris of the Day

You can drink at the age of 12 in Paris and that’s not even exclusive to people who are famous. Everyone drinks because they realize that drinking is not only fun, but it helps annoying kids chill the fuck out and fall the fuck asleep, so they aren’t up all night getting in the way of you having sex, or whatever the fuck it is that people in Paris do. Only in America does a married person, with a criminal record, on his way to go vote in his car, while smoking cigarettes and paying taxes, get rejected at the store for trying to buy a case of beer…..It’s like you can do everything, but you can’t do that…but I guess the good news is that there is always Mexico, Canada and presctiption pills. So seeing Miley getting down in a see through top at a club, isn’t a big deal to me, cuz as long as you have a vagina and enough make-up on, you’re allowed into clubs here….but I know it’s a big deal to you conservative idiots, and that’s why I am posting these… Fame is gonna eat her up like she was Lohan, and I’m pretty excited for it. Here she is doing Paris right in various states of showing off her underwear….

See the rest here:
Miley Cyrus’ Bloated Face Partying in Paris of the Day