Tag Archives: enough-posts

Emma Stone for Elle of the Day

This is a little too high concept for me…I figure when you put a bitch in a fashion magazine all you need to do is get her naked…or half naked and shit’s instantly art….You don’t need to go all Cirque du Soliel/I did too many drugs/I like being obscure…cuz really all everyone wants to do when they see these kinds of pics is jerk off to the bitch in them, not have some twisted mind fuck like you’re living in some other dimension and you just got warped there…if you know what I mean…which you do, because we are one…. But I am down with EMMA STONE ….and I barely even know who she is, or even find her that hot, I’m pathetic like that….and it turns out that I haven’t done nearly enough posts on her to get myself arrested for stalking, or being a threat to her….so I’ll take what I can get of her…to add to my collection…if you know what I mean…which you do cuz you’re weird…

Go here to see the original:
Emma Stone for Elle of the Day

Emma Stone for Elle of the Day

This is a little too high concept for me…I figure when you put a bitch in a fashion magazine all you need to do is get her naked…or half naked and shit’s instantly art….You don’t need to go all Cirque du Soliel/I did too many drugs/I like being obscure…cuz really all everyone wants to do when they see these kinds of pics is jerk off to the bitch in them, not have some twisted mind fuck like you’re living in some other dimension and you just got warped there…if you know what I mean…which you do, because we are one…. But I am down with EMMA STONE ….and I barely even know who she is, or even find her that hot, I’m pathetic like that….and it turns out that I haven’t done nearly enough posts on her to get myself arrested for stalking, or being a threat to her….so I’ll take what I can get of her…to add to my collection…if you know what I mean…which you do cuz you’re weird…

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Emma Stone for Elle of the Day