Tag Archives: enough-though

Go Awff! Hilary Clinton Nae Naes On Ellen Show

  Go Awfff Hilary! Mrs. Clinton Nae Naes On Ellen DeGeneres It’s no secret that presidential candidate Hilary Clinton has been gunning for the “cool vote” from young Americans overwhelmed with student loans and debt, but now she’s found a new angle.  Taking notes from President Obama, she’s trying to dance her way into our hearts with the Nae Nae. Yep, she attempted to whip and nae nae during her latest appearance of the  Ellen  show.  It might be the oldest, whitest, struggliest dance you’ve seen yet, but atleast the effort is there! Riiiight??  

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Go Awff! Hilary Clinton Nae Naes On Ellen Show

What The Hell??? NY Man Struts His Nekkid Loins On The NY Subway

  Nobody Got For That! NY Crazy Strips Down On Subway As if commuting the New York subway  isn’t a hassle in itself, yet another crazy was able to make the ride that much more dreadful for passengers yesterday.  This man was caught via Live Leak , stripping down his loins and frolicking the NY train.  Oddly enough though, the passengers didn’t seem too alarmed– at first. Slowly but surely people exit the train and new passengers board with no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into. They keep calm like true New Yorkers though! Peep this clip from Mirror online .

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What The Hell??? NY Man Struts His Nekkid Loins On The NY Subway