Tag Archives: enticing

Octomom Foreclosure Update: Vivid to the Rescue!

Octomom is staring at foreclosure like real soon. She also will not demean herself by associating with porn, no matter what lucrative offer she gets. But Vivid Entertainment boss Steven Hirsch does not quit easily. She’s spurned his enticing ideas to pay off her debt several times before, but now it looks like Hirsch is buying Nadya Suleman’s home personally. WHEELING AND DEALING : Will Hirsch’s dreams come true? The current owner, Amer Haddadin, is moving to foreclose on the house, which would leave Nads, who owes $450,000, and her kids in the cold. Enter Hirsch. “This would be a great opportunity to begin a relationship with Octomom,” he told TMZ when asked why he would buy the property. Basically, he’s still angling for the mother of 14 to get naked on film and sees this as a means of getting leverage. He’s an enterprising fella. As of right now, she has until Friday to GTFO . No deal yet, but stay tuned.

Octomom Foreclosure Update: Vivid to the Rescue!