Tag Archives: entry

Should Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Be Afraid Of His Fans?

Filed under: Famous Couples , Music News , Justin Bieber , Selena Gomez Dating (or being very close personal friends) with Justin Bieber comes with a special set of liabilities, as teen sweetheart Selena Gomez has discovered during the past few days. After photos surfaced of the pair getting cozy on a yacht in the … Read more

Video: Justin Bieber Talks His Rise to Fame and His Love of Girls

Filed under: Music News , Videos , Justin Bieber A superfan of Justin Bieber got the chance to interview the pop sensation on ‘The Early Show’ and asked him about his meteoric rise to fame in 2010. Bieber was very humble about his early beginnings on YouTube, and how quickly things moved from … Read more

Lakers win 16th NBA championship « News Top Engine

Kobe Bryant is Finals MVP and Lakers rally to win second consecutive title while ending Game 7 woes against Celtics . It started nine months ago on a quiet day in El Segundo, aspirations of a 16th NBA championship a distant possibility, but it ended with finality for the Lakers , in a victory against their hated rivals amid a blizzard of purple-and-gold confetti. This entry was posted on Friday, June 18th, 2010 at 4:18 am and is filed under News. …

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Lakers win 16th NBA championship « News Top Engine

Mcdonalds shrek glass recall 2010

McDonalds spokesmen didn#39;t return phone calls and declined to answer e-mailed questions about the website shutdown or the delay in releasing details about the recall. The McDonalds.com page was inaccessible to at least some computers in the morning, perhaps because owners of the 12 million cadmium-tainted drinking glasses were logging on to figure out what to do with the glasses. McDonald’s Shrek glass recall appeared to shut down the entry page of the company’s website for a short period F

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Mcdonalds shrek glass recall 2010

Last Shot – So Wich of These Switches Makes Kittens?

Filed under: Photos , Last Shot link:// Reddit Continue reading

Wikipedia Drops Klingon Character From Logo, Nerds Outraged

Filed under: Humor , News / Politics Nerds! Assemble! Wikipedia has removed the Klingon character from their logo and replaced it with some stupid real-world language character. Something called Amharic, which may or may not be spoken more widely than Klingon even though Klingon is a fake dialect created by neckbeards. via:// Nostrich Continue reading

How to Survive Accidentally Becoming an Internet Meme

Filed under: How To As much as we love internet memes , we understand that not everybody who accidentally achieves online fame is happy about it. When you accidentally find yourself internet famous, there’s a right way and a wrong way to deal with it. Gawker recently posted a comparison of coping strategies ranging from wins to fails, using examples of real people who have been in this situation. The post was inspired by “Epic Boobs Girl,” who tried a lawsuit strategy when her racy photos went viral. She just lost in court , though, proving that you can’t fight the internet. Hiding also doesn’t work, because it’s boring and you’re too late anyway. You can profit , though! Gawker uses one of our favorite memes, David After Dentist , as an example: David’s dad sells all kinds of fun David merchandise. The fourth and easiest way to win at being a meme is the “shrug, laugh and move on” approach. Gawker talked to Approval Guy (the hilarious dude giving a dopey-thumbs up at a party), and he heartily endorsed the “shrug” plan. He said, “Being posted all over the internet doesn’t bother me at all, in fact, I find it hilarious. I really enjoy seeing the creativity of others and think they should continue to do as they please with my image.” When I interviewed Michael Blount — the Hello My Future Girlfriend Kid — I was impressed by his sense of humor about being a meme. I agree with Gawker that this is definitely the way to go. link:// What To Do If You Become an Internet Meme (Gawker) Continue reading

This Boob-Slapping Wedding DJ Video Can’t Be Viral Marketing

Filed under: Humor , Videos There’s this video of an awful wedding DJ at an awful wedding who slaps the boobs of this chubby girl. Some folks suspect that it’s some kind of weird viral marketing , but there’s just no way. You say, “There’s no way this guy could be real.” We say, “There’s no way this guy could be made up.” Who says, “You guys know what would be so hilarious? Let’s get a dozen people together (some with babies) and put them in front of a camera and stage this elaborate pathetic wedding reception and this guy will slap this fat chick’s boobs. We’ll slow it down with some Phil Collins (don’t worry, we’ll get the rights). So random!” And listen to this gibberish: Come shake your body and do that thing. You got you know you gotta do know you do it in the Conga. Everybody get in the conga conga conga. Wedding party and guests, come on and get in the back of the line. You wanna do it. Have a slice of lime. No. It’s too surreal to be fake. The DJ is smoking what looks like a cigar, wearing sneakers and a bowtie. There is a black and white clip-art paper sign that says “Stardust Entertainment.” A man is wearing a baseball cap. THERE ARE JORTS! No New York ad exec could dream this up. Share Continue reading

One Awesome Bird Feeder Hat and Two Regrettable Ones (Video)

Filed under: Videos , Fashion , Tech , Animals If you want to see a hummingbird up close, you could use binoculars. But why would you, though, when you can wear a dang bird feeder on your face and let hummingbirds eat from it? In terms of life’s OMG experiences, this is right up there. It may not be as dangerous as climbing Everest or jumping out of a plane, but … hummingbirds! On your face! The special wearable bird feeders cost 80 bucks, but once you load one up with delicious sugar water, you’ll have hummingbirds eating from right between your eyes. Plus, the mask will make you look kind of like a Transformer , which is never a bad thing. After the jump, check out a video of this awesome birdfeeder in action and see two other bird feeder hats that totally fail. Actually pretty cool, right? Well, these other, more regrettable wearable birdfeeders aren’t quite up to par. This hat was posted on Regretsy, which is definitely our favorite website about people’s horrifying DIY creations. It’s definitely not stylish and it doesn’t appear to be functional as a bike helmet, though it juuuust might work as a bird feeder. This bird feeder hat isn’t specifically for hummingbirds, but that doesn’t really matter, because I’m not sure I would want to come anywhere near this if I were any type of bird. In fact, maybe they’d sell more of these if they re-branded them as scarecrows. That finch just has to be plastic. Share via:// L.A. Times Continue reading

Bieber-like Sixth Grader Covers Lady Gaga, Internet Goes Nuts

Filed under: Videos , Music Sixth-grader Greyson Michael Chance recently rocked his middle school with a performance of Lady Gaga ‘s ‘Paparazzi’ that might just be better than the original. The video has blown up on YouTube to the tune of more than a million hits and inspired some epic criticism on various websites. Over at Reddit , there’s a debate about whether the teen girls in the background were impressed by the Bieber-esque kid’s piano win. Most of them appear stone-faced and bored, although one girl does get excited near the end. Redditors suspect that the girls are a chorus section, which means they’re probably studying his every breath like the vicious young critics they’re trained to be. Or, hey, they could just be dumbstruck by his mad skills. Sasha Frere-Jones , the New Yorker ‘s respected music critic, points to Greyson’s video as evidence that the internet isn’t killing kids’ talent. Sixth-graders obviously have time to post YouTube vids and practice the heck out of a musical instrument. Also, Frere-Jones says Lady Gaga is an inspiration who’s basically giving Greyson’s generation a free course in the performance of pop music. Share via:// shey.net previously:// U.S. Soldiers Remake Lady Gaga’s ‘Telephone’ Video Continue reading