Tag Archives: erin r. ryan

Erin R. Ryan Titties in Bath Salt Zombies of the Day

There is a movie called Bath Salt Zombies, that apparently is barely a fucking movie, but does have an IMDB Page , even if based on these shots, the budget looks like it may have been 30-75 bucks. Since there are tits in it, when really there has to be tits in any movie that looks this shit, even if the tits are on some busted up and broken down no name called Erin R. Ryan, who will probably remain a no name, cuz she’s gross and her tits are gross, but who will always have this genius legacy to share with her kids and grand kids about the time mommy starred in what could be a funny movie concept, but that was just a fail At least they kill her off…I mean she’s a little gremlin don’t feed her after midnight. Here’s the awesome budget clip….the worst.


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Erin R. Ryan Titties in Bath Salt Zombies of the Day