Tag Archives: serious-level

Zendaya’s Out Here Bossing Up: Fires Racially Insensitive Publicist

This girl right here is giving us serious level of #BlackGirlMagic.

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Zendaya’s Out Here Bossing Up: Fires Racially Insensitive Publicist

Kylie Minogue’s in Almost Flashes a Tit of the Day

I have this theory that Kylie Minogue is a robot. I know that’s giving Australia a lot of credit, because I am going to go out on a limb here and assume the only contribution Australia has really made on the world, other than being the island to send crazed criminals to be put in exile on, is Crocodile Dundee, a few average actors, and Outback Steak House…Bloomin’ Onion..that I’m sure is American made…just Australia themed, it was the early 90s… The main reason I think she’s a Robot is because she’s been working in the industry, I’m talking chart topping songs in AMerica, since the 80s…yet she still looks like this… IF you’ve ever met an Australian, they all turn into this wrinkled, haggard, sun damaged, white trash looking thing by the time they turn 25, unless they move away…so at what must be 60, she looks awesome… Not to mention, she’s a cancer survivor, which does a whole other pile of damage on you, like yesterday I saw a cancer ridden woman, at least I’m basing my prognosis on her bald chemo head and the fact that she looked like she was n the park dying slowly, and her feet were this bright purple…in sandals, difficult to eat my lunch while staring at them…but the girl in a bikini was next to her….so I had no choice… Not that it matters…what matters is Kylie is amazing. Here’s another one of her filming that music video… A video posted by Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue) on Aug 9, 2015 at 11:29am PDT Here are some bikini poics of her from her instagram… The post Kylie Minogue’s in Almost Flashes a Tit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Kylie Minogue’s in Almost Flashes a Tit of the Day

Some Gigi Hadid for Vanity Fair of the Day

I talk about Gigi Hadid being rich and overrated too much. I talk about her dad being a creeper who fucks other models her age, so it makes sense that he invested in marketing her, she’s cute, she’s skinny, but the fact she wants to be famous or a Kardashian, because that’s the LA way, and her mom is married or was married to Brody Jenner’s stepfather, David Foster, in a “we are in LA and we all fuck each other”…weirdness… But she did Vanity Fair, like her BFF Taylor Swift, who probably put it in her contract, because it’s part of her taking over the world strategy, not to mention, her friends need press to make her more relevant, not to mention, they probably all fuck each other, because it’s entertainment industry weirdness, and this shit’s the new Manson family cult…and unfortunately not the Jonestown Massacre cult…I think pop culture needs… She looks good, but she’s still only here cuz she’s rich…which I guess is why anyone is anywhere… Here she is leaving or going to Kylie Jenner’s 18th birthday , because it’s the most important day EVER… The post Some Gigi Hadid for Vanity Fair of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Some Gigi Hadid for Vanity Fair of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Fetish Picture of the Day

Here’s Vanessa Hudgens…being…amazing… and she knows it… The one thing I know about Vanessa Hudgens, other than that she’s a hairy little well trained Disney performer…if you know what I mean… She’s also…pretty clear on the power of marketing behind selfies…when those selfies are either nude, or speaking to any fetish, because the core of humanity are fucking perverts and as Disney Taught her, if you feed inot that perversion…you come out on top…even if it means letting a lot of guys cum to you… I mean flexibility posts are never anything less than “look at me spread my pussy as far as humanly possible, airing out the matted bush, sweat and Zac Effron, but still spreading her fucking pussy at a serious level, and that’s amazing…and why Gymanstics matters. The post Vanessa Hudgens Fetish Picture of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Vanessa Hudgens Fetish Picture of the Day

Erin R. Ryan Titties in Bath Salt Zombies of the Day

There is a movie called Bath Salt Zombies, that apparently is barely a fucking movie, but does have an IMDB Page , even if based on these shots, the budget looks like it may have been 30-75 bucks. Since there are tits in it, when really there has to be tits in any movie that looks this shit, even if the tits are on some busted up and broken down no name called Erin R. Ryan, who will probably remain a no name, cuz she’s gross and her tits are gross, but who will always have this genius legacy to share with her kids and grand kids about the time mommy starred in what could be a funny movie concept, but that was just a fail At least they kill her off…I mean she’s a little gremlin don’t feed her after midnight. Here’s the awesome budget clip….the worst.


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Erin R. Ryan Titties in Bath Salt Zombies of the Day

Genevieve Morton’s Lingerie Modeling Pics of the Day

She’s got a lot of fucking curves and I don’t just mean big ol’ titties like Oprah, I mean thickness, like a belly you’d think she’s try to take some laxatives or get an enema like a pornstar at an anal scene…or maybe even not eat considering she’s a fucking model and modeling, even your big tits, should come with a serious level of fitness…but I’m not hating, I’d take this fat blonde over that fat Kate Upton blonde, even if I’d rather put them both in a cage and make them fight to the death over a burger. Can’t girls have big tits without being fucking pics about it. Seriously.

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Genevieve Morton’s Lingerie Modeling Pics of the Day

Jessica Stroup’s Window into her Soul and by Soul I Mean Tits of the Day

This girl is on 90210 and let’s hope she has a lot of teenage girl fans who see these pictures and decide that when they grow up they will take this Stroup bitch’s lead and all their outfits will have windows to their parts that matter for all perverted men to see. I’m talking a see through patch over the ass, over the twat, over the nipples, I figure why stop at the cleavage, the cleavage is usually just the fuckin’ beginning…so let’s collectively prey that Jessica Stroup is not as useless as we all think she is and that she’s got some serious level of impact on the sluttiness of the girls of the future… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Jessica Stroup’s Window into her Soul and by Soul I Mean Tits of the Day