Looks like Tasha is trying to stay in those Tyler Perry movies… Tasha Smith Defends Tyler Perry Director and writer Tyler Perry may have a lot of haters, but you won’t find any slander coming from the actors who have worked with him. Actress Tasha Smith recently sat down to defend her filmmaker buddy in an interview with BET … “You have to respect him. He is a trailblazer, bottom line, he really is. If you even look at the way he works, people are looking at his [TV series show production] work model and are trying to duplicate it even to this day. Are We There Yet? with Terry Crews and Essence Atkins is one show that’s doing it and several other shows are modeling the Tyler Perry brand. Not only are they able to accomplish a lot of shows in a shorter period of time, but also the model is creating a lot of opportunities for actors that need to be employed. The truth is when it comes to actors, we need the Tyler Perrys, Salim Akils, and the Mara Brock Akils of the world because if we didn’t have their shows, our actors wouldn’t be able to make a living doing what they love to do. We have more reality TV shows that we do scripted TV shows. So what does that mean? You have a lot of amazing, talented unemployed actors. People should celebrate people like Tyler Perry.” She continued to speak highly of her meal-ticket friend: He’s been a wonderful friend and an ambassador of giving me opportunities as an actress. It’s been great to have someone like that in my life. My relationship with Tyler is also like musicians that work together. I understand Tyler as a leader, director and producer. I know how he likes to lead his band, and I know how to flow with him. How do you feel about Tyler’s brand of movies? Continue reading →