Tag Archives: european-space

Uh-Oh, Heads Up… They Dropping Some Sh**: Countdown To Satellite Crashing To Earth Has Begun! [Video]

The European Space Agency (ESA) has said its GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) research satellite will crash to Earth on Sunday night or during the day on Monday, but debris is unlikely to cause any casualties. (Nov. 8) NDN AP Continue reading

EU Space Agency Wants to Build a Doomsday Ark on the Moon

Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt standing next to boulder at Taurus-Littrow during third EVA. Photo: NASA, Public domain. Our Savior in the Sky While Japan would like to build a solar power station on the Moon , the European Space Agency is thinking even further ahead: What if some terrible catastrophe (for more info, read about existential risks ) were to wipe out a large fraction of… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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EU Space Agency Wants to Build a Doomsday Ark on the Moon

The first image of the entire universe!

The first image of the entire universe taken from Europe's Planck telescope has been published. Researchers say it is a remarkable dataset that will help them understand better how the Universe came to look the way it does now. The picture is the first full-sky image from Europe's Planck telescope which was sent into space last year to survey the “oldest light” in the cosmos. It took the 600m-euro observatory just over six months to assemble the map. “It's a spectacular picture; it's a thing of beauty,” Dr Jan Tauber, the European Space Agency's (Esa) Planck project scientist, – BBC. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/7872190/Planck-telescope-reveals-univer… added by: sarahmatilda

‘Doomsday Ark’ to be Housed on the Moon

If the human species should be destroyed on Earth, our future may reside on the Moon if plans.being drawn up for a “Doomsday ark” on the moon by the European Space Agency are carried through. The Ark will contain the essentials of life and human civilization, to be activated in the event of earth being devastated by a giant asteroid or nuclear war. The construction of a lunar information bank, discussed at a conference in Strasbourg last month, would provide survivors on Earth with a remote-access toolkit to rebuild the human race. A basic version of the ark would contain hard discs holding information such as DNA sequences and instructions for metal smelting or planting crops. It would be buried in a vault just under the lunar surface and transmitters would send the data to heavily protected receivers on earth. if no receivers survived, the ark would continue transmitting the information until new ones could be built. The vault could later be extended to include natural material including microbes, animal embryos and plant seeds and even cultural relics such as surplus items from museum stores. As a first step to discovering whether living organisms could survive, European Space Agency scientists are hoping to experiment with growing tulips on the moon within the next decade. The first flowers – tulips or arabidopsis, a plant widely used in research – could be grown in 2012 or 2015 according to Bernard Foing, chief scientist at the agency’s research department. Tulips are ideal because they can be frozen, transported long distances and grown with little nourishment. Combined with algae, an enclosed artificial atmosphere and chemically enhanced lunar soil, they could form the basis of an ecosystem. The first experiments would be carried out in transparent biospheres containing a mix of gases to mimic the earth’s atmosphere. Carbon dioxide given off by the decomposing plants would be mopped up by the algae, which would generate oxygen through photosynthesis. The databank would initially be run by robots and linked to earth by radio transmissions. Scientists hope to put a manned station on the moon before the end of the century. The databank would need to be buried under rock to protect it from the extreme temperatures, radiation and vacuum on the moon. It would be run partly on solar power. The scientists envisage placing the first experimental databank on the moon no later than 2020 and it could have a lifespan of 30 years. The full archive would be launched by 2035. The information would be held in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish and would be linked by transmitter to 4,000 “Earth repositories” that would provide shelter, food, a water supply for survivors http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2010/07/doomsday-ark-to-be-housed-on-the-mo… added by: pjacobs51