Tag Archives: everyone-puppet

Miley Cyrus Asks People About Miley of the Day

Miley is a real joker…it’s hard to hate a puppet who isn’t a cunt about being a puppet, but rather is willing to make fun of herself for being a puppet, by going out there and making fun of herself in disguise… Sure she’s not a singer song writer, who has positioned women as weak, broken hearted in need of a man pussies – like Taylor Swift… Sure she doesn’t make as much Money as Taylor Swift…and is more of the polar opposite that I assume the record labels they are on set up as marketing… One wholesome, friend with everyone puppet…VS the other lesbian, genderless, titty flasher… Either way, the whole thing is dumb, but the video is solid…I guess it’s the only way these late night TV shows can stay relevant while no one watches TV…. Here she is wearing bunny ears…chewing Gum like a pile of trash BONUS – Here’s Ali Wentworth Flashing like she was Miley… I don’t know who Ali Wentworth is… The post Miley Cyrus Asks People About Miley of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus Asks People About Miley of the Day