Is January Jones Hot On Instagram? Does The Day End In Y? Stacy Martin in See Through Black Lace Dress Hayley Kiyoko See Through in Paper Magazine! Dua Lipa Pussy Flash of the Day Trust Me, You’re Gonna Want To See This Lindsey Pelas Giant Cleavage Gallery (header image) Natalia Borowsky Strips Down Until She’s Just Wearing Bunny Ears Lana Rhoades Enjoying a Glass Dildo! Natalie Portman Wants You To Put Your Meat Down Zoey Deutch Titty Grab of the Day … read more
Dali Lama’s a Joker Dog VS Minion Orangutan Wants To Eat Babies… Just a Coiple Having Sex in Public Naked Man VS Windows Cameraman Takes Out Star Runner on a Segway Robber with Knife Pushed Out Killing a Sheep to Celebrate Plane Purchase Man Outside Gym for Disrespecting Women… Robber Uses TNT Gym Idiot The post Murderer Bryce Williams in a Weird Road Rage Incident and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Bella Hadid is Gigi Hadid’s bratty sister….who whined her way into modeling because she didn’t like her sister getting all the attention…typical sister jealous of other sister dad that molests…it’s a common complex for girls to have and I guess not just in the trailer park, but also in the massive mansions with billionaire fathers… You know that she’s the darker haired, bigger tits….that GQ picked up because why the fuck not, use whatever you can when it comes along…or because they were paid…or because Gigi said she’ll only work with them if they do a feature on her sister…it’s all nonsense…but here are her big tits, that should be a sex tape, because that’s the kind of issues I prefer “the other sister”…to have.. I’m talking to you Pippa. The post Bella Hadid’s Tits in GQ of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Miley is a real joker…it’s hard to hate a puppet who isn’t a cunt about being a puppet, but rather is willing to make fun of herself for being a puppet, by going out there and making fun of herself in disguise… Sure she’s not a singer song writer, who has positioned women as weak, broken hearted in need of a man pussies – like Taylor Swift… Sure she doesn’t make as much Money as Taylor Swift…and is more of the polar opposite that I assume the record labels they are on set up as marketing… One wholesome, friend with everyone puppet…VS the other lesbian, genderless, titty flasher… Either way, the whole thing is dumb, but the video is solid…I guess it’s the only way these late night TV shows can stay relevant while no one watches TV…. Here she is wearing bunny ears…chewing Gum like a pile of trash BONUS – Here’s Ali Wentworth Flashing like she was Miley… I don’t know who Ali Wentworth is… The post Miley Cyrus Asks People About Miley of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .