Tag Archives: everyone-sorry

Dane Cook Criticized for Refusal to Live Stream Boston Benefit Act

Dane Cook has not received the reaction he was hoping for following last night’s Boston Strong benefit event at the TD Garden. The comedian was one of several big names to raise funds for victims of last month’s marathon bombings – joining such acts as Aerosmith and James Taylor – but while everyone else agreed to have their sets broadcast on television and online… Cook refused to live stream his jokes. Tweeted Cook in defense of his actions: “Hey everyone sorry my set was not a part of the live stream or televised! I didn’t want any of the new material to hit the airwaves yet!” But that only angered many Twitter users more, as they perceive Cook as placing his career above this important cause. “@DaneCook Really?” asked one critic. “Then why do a new set at a charity show? Couldn’t you just steal some @louisck jokes like you usually do?” What do you think of Dane Cook refusing to live stream his set?   It’s understandable, he has a career to worry about It’s lame! View Poll »

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Dane Cook Criticized for Refusal to Live Stream Boston Benefit Act