Tag Archives: Excerpt From

Grand Forks movie times for ‘Bruno’ (Grand Forks Herald)

River Cinema 12 and Carmike 10 movie times for ‘Bruno’ How much auto insurance do you really need? Sharon Opdahl – State Farm – Ends Jul 15, 2009

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Grand Forks movie times for ‘Bruno’ (Grand Forks Herald)

Why we love or hate Sasha Baron Cohen’s gay fashionista character Bruno in new movie (New York Daily News)

For a gay fashionista with a strange accent, Bruno sure knows how to push people’s buttons. But whether you love or hate him, chances are your feelings about Sasha Baron Cohen’s alter-ego and his new movie have a lot to do with your own personality.

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Why we love or hate Sasha Baron Cohen’s gay fashionista character Bruno in new movie (New York Daily News)

In Case of Hippies…

It's a well documented fact that hippies cannot be within earshot of a Slayer song, or they turn to dust or something.

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In Case of Hippies…

Bruno Exposed

The premiere of BRUNO took place in the UK and the movie’s star Sacha Baron Cohen aka Bruno showed up in predictably outrageous fashion. Bruno talks to TV Guide Network about the movie and why he idolizes Naomi Campbell.


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Bruno Exposed

YouTube Obituaries

There's a YouTube user that posts short little videos of people who have died.

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YouTube Obituaries

ohnotheydidnt: New picture of Megan Fox from 'Jennifer's Body'

Megan Fox or not the fact that it’s written by Diablo Cody is reason enough to believe it’ll be bad. I would love it though, if the zombie cheerleader muttered pop culture references the whole movie

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ohnotheydidnt: New picture of Megan Fox from 'Jennifer's Body'

Blog Article and Video about Blog Article and Video about Angelina …

Angelina Jolie and David Beckham Team Up For Armani | Bitten and Bound. Jul 8, 2009 Author: | Filed under: David Beckham blog article

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Blog Article and Video about Blog Article and Video about Angelina …

THE DEATH OF STEVE MCNAIR / Lack of motive slows ruling on girlfriend (San Francisco Chronicle)

Tennessee’s state medical examiner said Tuesday that investigators have been hesitant to conclude that Steve McNair’s girlfriend killed the former NFL quarterback and herself because she didn’t appear to have a motive, but that murder-suicide is the most…

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THE DEATH OF STEVE MCNAIR / Lack of motive slows ruling on girlfriend (San Francisco Chronicle)

Madonna dresses up daughters like herself

LONDON – Pop star Madonna dresses up her newly adopted daughter Mercy James like herself, just as she has earlier done with her biological child Lourdes.

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Madonna dresses up daughters like herself

Kathy Griffin

Ok, how’s this for some odd trivia? In 1984,I was actually an “extra” in MJ’s famous Pepsi ad where his hair…

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Kathy Griffin