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Jonathan Rivera and Fernanda Flores Exchange Veiled Barbs After Split

The 90 Day Fiance couple everyone thought had made it … did not. Jonathan and Fernanda have addressed their split in separate posts . But not everything is amicable. Now, the two are making vague posts about which of them is the better person.  Fernanda had taken a “break” from social media. This week, she returned. “Some of the kindest souls I know have lived in a world that was not so kind to them,” she wrote in a vague post. “Some of the best human beings I know,” Fernanda continued. “Have been through so much at the hands of others.” “And,” Fernanda said, those people “still love deeply, they still care.” “Sometimes,” she noted. “It’s people who have been hurt the most, who refuse to be hardened in this world.” Fernanda says that this is “because they would never want to make another person feel the same way they themselves have felt.” It is difficult to read that and not interpret it as meaning that she will remain hopeful despite her broken marriage. In another post, still without naming Jonathan, Fernanda views her current situation through a religious lens. “I declare that God has a great plan for my life,” Fernanda begins. “He is directing my steps,” she writes. “And even though I may not always understand how,” Fernanda admits. “I know that my situation is not a surprise to God.” “He will work out every detail to my advantage,” she trusts. “In his perfect timing,” Fernanda concludes. “Everything will turn right.” Jonathan has also been active on social media. For the most part, as we have mentioned, he has been continuing as if it is business as usual. As we reported on Thursday, Jonathan shared a program that he started for underprivileged children in his community. But he has also shared a very succinct text post. “Be kind to people for no good reason,” the image reads. “#nocaptionneeded,” he wrote as his caption. Those posts are vague but generally pleasant. We wish that we could say the same for Jonathan and Fernanda’s marriage. “I haven’t spoken to Fernanda since December 22,” Jonathan clarified last week . “I have a lot going on,” he explained. “And so in the midst of all the craziness, I try to focus on what’s important.” Even so, he wanted to make it extremely clear that Fernanda isn’t any more of a villain than he is. “Fernanda’s not a gold digger,” he affirmed. “Fernanda didn’t come here for a green card.” “What happened was things change,” he admitted. “Things change and people change and I can’t help that.” “Every marriage has its problems. Every relationship has its issues,” Jonathan said on Instagram Live. “It’s all about your attitude,” he noted. “As long as you’re positive… [I] gotta take it day by day.” “I promise you, I didn’t give up,” he assured fans. I gave 110 percent to my marriage.” In the end, he says: “I reached a point where I said, ‘I have to love myself just as much.'” We hope that, at some point, Jon or Fernanda or both of them will explain what happened. Until then, they’re clearly both in a lot of pain. That said, there are far less healthy couples on 90 Day Fiance . View Slideshow: Larissa Lima Shares Shocking Photos of Bloody Fight With Colt Johnson; 90 Day Fiance Star Arrested [BREAKING]

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Jonathan Rivera and Fernanda Flores Exchange Veiled Barbs After Split