Tag Archives: exec-at-disney

Miley Cyrus’ Concert is Kiddie Porn of the Day

Here is the flaw in the Sex Offender laws..you see, in American, we aren’t allowed to fuck anyone under 18, but people under 18 like to get fucked….and you end up getting bitches like Miley pretty much fucking on stage…or at least wanting guys to think she is fucking on stage…in a way that you’d expect her to throw herself at you if you were an exec at Disney or someone who isn’t as much of a loser as you actually are…and if you were to give in and fuck her…you get arrested…so the laws should be re-worked so that 17 year olds who try to give anyone over 18 a hard-on get in trouble for taunting, teasing and tormenting us…cuz if you hang a piece of meet in front of a dog’s face long enough, you’re gonna get bit…kinda thing… Either way, here she is in concert, slutting out….and I’m not complaining…I just hope these pictures don’t get you arrested when you take your computer in to get fixed. Pics via Bauer

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Miley Cyrus’ Concert is Kiddie Porn of the Day