ALyssa Milano fucking loves taking pictures of breast feeding….she’s done it before with her other kids – she’s that kind of annoying old lady mom who feels beautiful when she breast feeds, or like it’s a beautiful experience that must be shared, or like it is her duty to help end the stigma of breast feeding – that isn’t really a stigma – it isn’t illegal, just some restaurant owners don’t want you doing it at the table like a fucking primate at the zoo. I would say that no one remembers Alyssa Milano, because she barely mattered at her peak and she sure as hell doesn’t matter now, but the reality is that people are fucking weird and she’s one of those celebrities that will always have a core fan base of perverts who are really fucking into her, no matter how hairy her arms may be… Those people must be fucking dying now that she’s taken a stance to promote showing her tits in public like an exhibitionist, disguised as a breast feeding in public endorser, because it’s a basic animalistic thing to do, like fucking, which we don’t do in public as we’ve civilized as a people, yet that people should take a stance to do in public, because it’s only natural….and I like watching… All this to say, I am all for this progressive women who pull out their tits in public because I like tits….sucking them milk filled, or not…on a hairy animal looking woman or not…who is too old to be a new mom or not… Keep showing them tits for a cause…I’ll keep watching…which is more than I can say for anything she’s ever done…or any movie she’s ever done – this is pretty much her best work. I guess I’m just bitter my mom never breast fed me – and either has any breast feeding mom in the park…. The post Alyssa Milano’s Breast Feeding of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Alyssa Milano’s Breast Feeding of the Day