Tag Archives: exposed-or-not

Angelina Jolie Skinny Old Lady of the Day

When I look at Anglina Jolie, I don’t think about her great tits that are probably fake in that movie about the lesbian model with AIDS. I don’t think about the attention seeking bad girl who fucked a lot of people and played up her gothic good looks to be the hottest thing in Hollywood for a minute or two. I don’t think about her being this compulsive mother trying to save the world with both her womb and the womb of other third world country woman as she takes their kids and make them her own, mainly cuz I don’t buy into her bullshit. I just think about when she was in Montreal a bunch of years ago and my friend was selling more cocaine to her in a day than he would normally sell in a week and I just like that cuz she’s rich, famous, successful and loved by the media thanks to good PR people, doesn’t mean anything you read or hear about her is legit, and if you strip off the designer clothes she’s not that much different that a common street hooker…. Not that you care. Here is her skilly little old lady body pretending she’s something she’s not. Good Times.

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Angelina Jolie Skinny Old Lady of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow is Unfortunately in a Revealing Dress of the Day

I really have absolutely nothing to say about Gwyneth Paltrow. I wouldn’t care if this dress magically rotated exposing her weathered mom pussy, even if had a tampon half sticking out of it, or if there was gerbil tail hanging out of it, or even if she had a midget under the dress, strapped to her leg with his arm up in her, because I’ve never had any interest in this bitch. She is ugly. She is boring. There is nothing erotic about her, skin exposed or not…. She is a product of her father, she only got work cuz of her father, she is only famous cuz of her father and if he didn’t hook her up and wasn’t who he was, she’d probably be a secretary or something equally uninteresting that nobody would notice…. So even with her fame, I am a firm believer that she should be ignored, especially with threats like this of her showing off her genitals, and that’s exactly what I am not doing by posting this picture….She’s won this time….. To See The Rest of the Pictures FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Gwyneth Paltrow is Unfortunately in a Revealing Dress of the Day