We've seen minor controversies regarding Jennifer Lawrence and Photoshop in the past. (We've also seen MAJOR controversies surrounding non -photoshopped pics of Jennifer Lawrence, but let's leave the Fappening in the past.) In fact, most stories about celebs and Photoshop involve some sort of outrage, so let's just sit back and appreciate the fact that some folks on Reddit and Twitter took a pic of J-Law getting startled by a tape measure and decided to use the power of re-touching for good instead cellulite-erasing. They've given us the sight of Jen sucking at Jenga, clearing a massive bong hit, and fighting Agent Smith from The Matrix , and for that, we thank them. Enjoy! 1. Jennifer Lawrence and a Tape Measure Jennifer Lawrence got startled by a tape measure. The Internet did what it does and ‘shopped the pic into comic gold. 2. Jen-Travolta We don’t blame Jen for looking frightened here. Let’s just be glad this pic is fake. 3. Jen Uses the Force Hopefully J-Law will be cast in the next Star Wars film. We’d cll her character Qui-Gonn Jen. 4. Jen Plays Jenga Maybe Jenga isn’t Jen’s strong suit. In fairness, playing it outside is just asking for a slight breeze to come along and ruin your day. 5. Jennifer Lawrence: Berry Frightened Jen does some produce shopping. We’ve never seen anyone look at a berry quite like that. 6. Jen on the French Horn Jen tries out for the school band. Maybe people play French horn after they graduate, but we doubt it. View Slideshow
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Jennifer Lawrence Gets Photoshopped By the Internet, Hilarity Ensues