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Princess Elsa: THG Celebrity of the Year #6!

Frozen came out on November 27, 2013. But every single parent around the country will confirm that this Disney blockbuster truly left its mark over the past 12 months. And he or she will likely be doing so while “Let It Go” is blaring from their car stereo for the 37th time that day. Indeed, due to the film’s cultural impact; its wide reach; its infiltration into millions of homes; and, of course, its soundtrack, Frozen’s main protagonist, Princess Elsa of Arendelle, is THG’s Celebrity of the Year #6 . Before delving into the myriad ways in which Elsa has grown into a global icon, let’s take a look at Frozen by the numbers: It grossed $400 million in the U.S. and Canada. It grossed $1.3 billion around the world. It became the highest-grossing animated movie of all-time. It won two Academy Awards. It won two Critics Choice Awards. But numbers can only explain so much. Frozen also inspired an entire storyline for Once Upon a Time Season 4 . It led to a surge in “Elsa” as a baby name. It enabled folks such as Anna Faith Carlson to make a living. And then, of course, there were the “Let It Go” covers, as Marines even got in on the catchy act: Marines Sing “Let It Go” And so did Pearl Jam: Pearl Jam Covers Let It Go And let’s not forget about Kristen Wiig and Ellen DeGeneres: Kristen Wiig and Ellen DeGeneres Sing “Let It Go” Heck, even if this dog can’t get enough of Elsa: Dog Wakes Up, Sings “Let It Go” As you might expect, a Frozen sequel is in the works, meaning Elsa may make this countdown again in 2015 or 2016. Until then, parents, don’t fight it. Don’t ignore it. Just embrace the Frozen phenomenon and make like the father in the following video.  Let it go? More like hold on tight to this dad-daughter opportunity bonding opportunity… Father Gets REALLY INTO “Let It Go”

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Princess Elsa: THG Celebrity of the Year #6!