Tag Archives: fakest-moments

Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List Reality Check: ‘Kathy with a Z’

If you’re a decent person and enjoy Julie Miller’s Housewives and Hills recaps every week, you’re aware that Movieline’s “reality checks” single out the most staged and sincere moments that this genre has to offer. In the case of Bravo’s Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List , those are harder to sort: Griffin has consciously evolved her show from an unstructured free-for-all to something of a pseudo-staged campfest in the style of The Comeback . Both formats work, but the new one needs Movieline to tell it when it’s honest and just phony. Come with us as we pick the realest and fakest moments from Kathy’s sixth season premiere.

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Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List Reality Check: ‘Kathy with a Z’

The Real Housewives of New York City Reality Check: ‘Hot Off the Press’

It was just another ordinary week for the Real Housewives of New York City . Ramona cried into a bottomless glass of pinot grigio about the death of her abusive father. Alex planned a Brooklyn fashion event that no one cared about. Bethenny dropped three snappy three pop culture references (“I didn’t have to be Angela Lansbury to figure that out!”). Jill became an overbearing pageant mom at her daughter’s Seventeen shoot before reducing Bethenny to tears over speaker phone. And Kelly, poor Kelly, was confused to discover that she was attracted to her Playboy interviewer. After the jump, Movieline examines the truest and fakest moments of last night’s episode, ‘Hot Off the Press.’

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The Real Housewives of New York City Reality Check: ‘Hot Off the Press’