Tag Archives: faking-it-well

Pregnant Miley Cyrus Shopping in Mesh of the Day

Apparently these Miley Cyrus mesh shit pictures are from the other day – when she was shopping at some vintage store – buying these outfits: She’s the kind of puppet who has pretty much sold off her soul, dignity, integrity, privacy, existence, everything to the entertainment industry. She calls herself an “artist”, but really she’s just a commodity and in being that soulless thing, means showing the world her tits and pussy as part of her marketing, revenue generating, and not giving a fuck… I call it cultivating the idea of “art” and “authenticity” based on the tumblr girls she follows, eventually faking it well enough for it to be real, for her to be more than just some Disney trained, daughter of a one-hit-wonder…and as long as the nudity happens…fuck it keep bringing it… Speaking of fucking it, it looks like she may be pregnant, tits are bigger, belly is poppin’ and she’s rumored to have had a secret wedding…because when you have everything yet feel so empty, babies are the answer… Here are tits…in anticipation for that mom body…she may be worth 200 million dollars, but she’s still hick trash… The post Pregnant Miley Cyrus Shopping in Mesh of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pregnant Miley Cyrus Shopping in Mesh of the Day